*********************************************************************** *** W A R N I N G *** *********************************************************************** This PTF is cumulative and includes ALL of the changes described below. You should review the description of all changes since the last PTF you applied and consider their effects in your particular environment before deciding to apply this PTF. See http://www.ariadnesoftware.co.uk/CoolSpoolsPTF.htm for details of the conditions under which you apply PTFs, the procedure to follow and the precautions we advise. *********************************************************************** *** D I S C L A I M E R *** *********************************************************************** You apply this PTF at your own risk. In accordance with your software license agreement, in no event shall the Licensor be liable to you for any damages, including loss of business, loss of opportunity, loss of data, loss of profits or for any other indirect or consequential loss or damage whatsoever arising out of the use of or inability to use the Software, or resulting from any action implied, suggested, recommended or advised by the Licensor or one of its representatives or distributors, even if the Licensor has been made aware of the possibility of such damage. While every effort has been made to ensure that this PTF will have the effect described below and no other detrimental effect, this cannot be guaranteed and you are encouraged wherever possible to re-test your systems after this PTF has been applied and before running the Software live again. PTFs should be applied *TEMP initially so they can be removed with RMVPTF should unwanted side-effects occur. We recommend you do a SAVLICPGM of each installed option of licensed program 6COOL2P and a SAVLIB of library COOLSPV6R1 before applying PTFs in order to allow a recovery option in the event of corruption or failure. If PTFs are installed using the utilities provided (RTVFIX, LODFIX, APYFIX commands), these precautions are taken automatically. *********************************************************************** 6COOLSP CoolSpools V6R1M0 FIX PACK#: 208 LICENSED PROGRAM: 6COOLSP - CoolSpools Plus V6R1M0 ------------------------------------------------------ : SYSTEM : RELEASE : LEVEL : RECOMPILE : LIBRARY : : : : MIN/MAX : : : : : : : : : : 6COOLSP : V6R1M0 : 00/00 : N :COOLSPV6R1: ------------------------------------------------------ PRE/CO-REQUISITE PTF/FIX LIST ----------------------------- REQ LICENSED PTF/FIX LEVEL TYPE PROGRAM REL NUMBER MIN/MAX OPTION ---- -------- --- ------- ------- ------ NONE - FIX PACK IS CUMULATIVE AND INCLUDES ALL PREVIOUS FIXES DESCRIPTION OF CHANGES : ---------------------- ======================================================================= FIX PACK DATE DESCRIPTION OF CHANGES ======================================================================= 6CP0208 2024-06-06 CoolSpools FTP fix - was incorrectly reporting delivery failures when SFTP was used and non-critical user space warning message CPC2206 was encountered. To activate set environment variable CP_SFTP_STATUS_ERROR to '*ON'. ======================================================================= 6CP0207 2023-11-02 CVTDBFnnn commands will no longer deliver an empty file over FTP when the "Create Empty File" parameter is set to *NO. Requires setting of an Environment Variable SL_FTP_EMPTY_FILE = 'N' ======================================================================= 6CP0206 2023-04-24 Handle splitting of a spooled file where the final page contains no spool data (only Page Segment, Image or Overlay objects) by setting Environment Variable CS_SPLIT_LAST_EMPTY = '*YES' ======================================================================= 6CP0205 2022-09-02 Allow PRTSTMF to operate in a job where the current user has been changed (e.g. by API QWTSETP) ======================================================================= 6CP0204 2021-07-21 Fix to handling of single precision floating data when converting with CVTDBFXL or CVTDBFXML using a *MAP and a data source of *SQL or *SQLSRC. To enable create Environment Variable SL_QRY_METHOD = 'SQL' ======================================================================= 6CP0203 2021-02-12 Commands SAVSUPKEY, LODFIX and DSPPRDINF enhanced to support logical partition (LPAR) numbers over 127. ======================================================================= 6CP0202 2020-06-04 CM_RTYSVRR error when RETRYMAIL parameter does not pass a return parameter if a data data error exists. ---------------------------------------------------- CVTSPLPDF encountered issue with InterForm generated PCL spoolfiles containing a compound PCL instruction to End Macro definition and Run the Macro concurrently. ======================================================================= 6CP0201 2019-10-31 When QMQRY specified as input to CRTDBFXL and the form is *NONE CPF9810 'Library not found' is returned. ---------------------------------------------------- DSPPRDINF to accurately display license status when only license key entered is for a different partition. ======================================================================= 6CP0200 2019-08-21 When the Secure connection set parameter is set to *SFTP with a a non-standard Port number, the port is not opened correctly. ======================================================================= 6CP0199 2019-04-25 CVTDBFXL not correctly half adjusting some numeric values. To enable this add the environment variable SL_XLSX_HALF_ADJ with a value of '1'. ======================================================================= 6CP0198 2019-03-29 MRGPDF was failing to handle PDF documents created with an empty Options tag (e.g. by IBM afp2pdf). This is now handled correctly by the command. ======================================================================= 6CP0197 2019-01-14 CVTSPLSPLF fails when change of page coincides with boundary of input buffer. ======================================================================= 6CP0196 2018-10-11 Positioning of datamatrix bar code incorrect in PDF. ======================================================================= 6CP0195 2018-05-08 Editing an address list entry with a very long email address caused an error. ---------------------------------------------------- CVTSPLXL using map did not convert numbers with a leading negative sign correctly. ======================================================================= 6CP0194 2017-11-09 Copying a DBF-XML map failed with SLP9916 error. ======================================================================= 6CP0193 2017-08-22 CVTDBFXL XLSPROTECT Allow actions did not enable the required actions correctly when the excel work sheet is protected. To activate the fix set environment variable 'SL_XLS_ALLOW_ACTION_FIX' to '*NEW' ======================================================================= 6CP0192 2017-05-30 SNDCMNMSG specifying attachments with a generic file path to a windows server (using QNTC) failed to return any files. ======================================================================= 6CP0191 2017-04-10 CVTSPLPDF Correct vertical positioning of barcodes from an IPDS spool file. To activate the fix set environment variable CS_BCO_POSITION_FIX to '1' ======================================================================= 6CP0190 2017-04-04 CVTSPLPDF fix a divide by zero error caused by defining a PCL picture frame dimension of zero. ---------------------------------------------------- CVTDBFXL further fixes linked to fix 189. ======================================================================= 6CP0189 2017-02-15 CVTDBFXL error when more than 22 conditional formats specified. ======================================================================= 6CP0188 2016-11-09 CVTSPLXLS Range of subscript value or character string error. ======================================================================= 6CP0187 2016-09-30 HPGL2 Relative Rectangles and Edge Relative Rectangles not positioning object correctly on the page. ======================================================================= 6CP0186 2016-08-16 CoolSpools SMTP server with TLS (Transport Layer Security) did not communicate correctly with the Email server. To activate the fix set environment variable CM_STARTTLS_EHLO to *YES ======================================================================= 6CP0185 2016-07-14 When over 200 *PAGSEGs included in a spool file CVTSPLPDF failed with error MCH0603 (Range of subscript value or character string error.). The number of spool resources handled increased to 5000. ======================================================================= 6CP0184 2016-06-09 When using CVTDBFXL to creeate XLSX, decimal numbers incorrectly rounded on O/S v7r2. This is possibly due to how floating point numbers are now handled. (see IBM 7.2 Memo to users) To continue using the previous method set ENVVAR SL_XLSX_NUM_CONV = *OLD ======================================================================= 6CP0183 2016-04-03 CVTSPLXLS when emailing a split spool file and using CoolSpools variables to determine the email address and file name. The file name and email are out of sync. To continue using the previous method set ENVVAR CS_VAR_EMAIL_FIX = *OFF ======================================================================= 6CP0182 2016-02-26 WRKSPLFPDM incorrectly sustituting &X (file extension) when converting to Excel. For example: Files created with the extension xyz.*XLSX ------------------------------------------------------ 2016-03-07 DBF to XML maps occasionally duplicated child node points in the XML created. ======================================================================= 6CP0181 2015-12-02 CVTSPLPDF fails with MCH0601 when embeding some True Type fonts. ======================================================================= 6CP0180 2015-11-24 CVTDBFXL fails with MCH1212 'Invalid floating-point format' when file includes numeric field of over 16 digits. Note: It appears excel as a number precision of 15 digits so the last five digits of a 20 digit number will be replaced with zeros. ---------------------------------------------------- CVTXLDBF fails with ARI9118 'error in unzip operation' if .xlsx created without an internal 'Theme' part by third party source. When environment variabble SL_XLS_IGN_MISSING_THEMES = *YES the error message will be supressed. ======================================================================= 6CP0179 2015-11-10 CVTDBFXL is not working correctly when FROMFILE is *QRYDFN and job decimal format is 'I' (comma) are selected. Procedure SL_SQLType in module SL_UTLFNCR. Procedure SetField in module SL_CMBQRYR. ======================================================================= 6CP0178 2015-09-29 SL_RTVQRY1 (module of SL_SRVPGM) is parsing query definitions incorrectly when more than two files are selected. Ticket number EE5-UZY-RZLE ---------------------------------------------------- SNDCMNMSG does not handle national characters when used in the attachment name. When environment variabble CM_XLT_ATTACHNAME = '1' the attachment name is translated using the job CCSID. ======================================================================= 6CP0177 2015-08-19 CVTXLDBF is removing digits after the decimal point when system value QLOCALE is set as *NONE. Ticket number VL4-WV1-UJ7V ======================================================================= 6CP0176 2015-05-01 If CCSID is 420, the user and owner passwords were not being converted to ASCII. The code has been changed to change suCtlJobToCCS from 420 to 1256 temporarily for the ASCII conversion. ======================================================================= 6CP0175 2015-03-12 Previously, if an AFPDS spool file included an image that did not exist the CVTSPLPDF would stop with CPE3025 No such path or directory. If new the environment variable 'CS_AFP_IGN_MISSING_IMG' is set to *YES the the creation of the PDF will continue. The CPE3025 message is output as a warning. ======================================================================= 6CP0174 2014-11-05 CVTDBFXL returns "Error translating from CCSID 13488 to CCSID 1208" when converting fields defined s as graphic 13488 (unicode). ---------------------------------------------------- CVTDBFCSV when Apply edit codes and words element of the CSV parameter is set to *YES causes an error RNX0224. ---------------------------------------------------- CVTDBF... specifying *SQL object naming causes a SQL5016 error. ---------------------------------------------------- Support for colours defined as an RGB hex code on the CVTSPLxxx commands had stopped working after a previous change. This has now been reinstated. ---------------------------------------------------- Improvements to handling of PCL WEDGE instructions in PDF. In CoolSpools V6, this change is activated by setting environment variable CS_PCL_SECTOR_METHOD to *NEW. ---------------------------------------------------- Memory corruption was sometimes occurring when converting a very large spooled file to Excel 97-2003 (.xls) format. Ticket: X1B-HSP-7QX3 ---------------------------------------------------- Some email systems were giving trouble with CSV attachments encoded using MIME quoted-printable format, where a comma occurred in the first position on the line. This has now been resolved. ---------------------------------------------------- Improvements to the handling of CCSIDs when processing the ˘˘PATTERN and ˘˘REGEX CoolSpools functions. The C code that underlies these CoolSpools functions does not use the CCSID of the job, but in fact uses the current locale. This is now taken into account. However, for backwards compatibility, in CoolSpools V6, this change must be activated by setting environment variable AR_USE_OLD_REGEX_LOGIC = *NO Ticket: PJP-PSP-D4UW ---------------------------------------------------- XML element names in a report-to-XML map no longer need to be unique within the map. The same element name can now occur multiple times within the same map, so long as the element is unique within its parent element. Element names were also being truncated to 20 characters. This has now been corrected and the maximum length is now 50. Ticket: JYY-G15-ZZL5 ---------------------------------------------------- 8-byte floating-point fields were causing a memory error in CVTDBFXL. This is now fixed. Ticket: M27-3MN-6492 ---------------------------------------------------- An error in the handling of blank/null text when generating a PDF bookmark was causing a subsequent problem when running PRGPDF against the PDF generated. The PDF generation has now been corrected. Ticket: L2H-8AQ-D6YU ---------------------------------------------------- Corrected an error with the handling of the INCLFILE parameter of CVTSPLPDF when the key string option was used and the key string appeared on the last line of the report. This could cause a loop condition. Ticket: L32-NHB-HRAQ ---------------------------------------------------- When a FORMAT file was used with CVTDBFxxx, some fields were being treated as null when they should not have been. Ticket: VVR-BU7-GQYU ---------------------------------------------------- Add support for outputting files larger than 2Gb. In CoolSpools V6, this feature has to be activated by setting environment variable AR_LARGE_FILE to *YES. Ticket: GVM-T13-GBR4 ---------------------------------------------------- If commitment control is started with CoolSpools is running (and OS/400 can start commitment control implicitly if the STRQMQRY command is run), CoolSpools will now ensure it is ended afterwards. Ticket: E8T-9MT-MY9W ---------------------------------------------------- When adding a worksheet to an Excel spreadsheet, macros were being lost. Macros are now preserved. Ticket: H38D5BBV3P9W ---------------------------------------------------- *NONE option for date format element of APYSTYLES command of CVTDBFXL not being implemented correctly. ======================================================================= 6CP0173 2013-04-23 When handling substitution variables associated with a QM Query on CVTDBFXL, handle the possibility the variable name might be enclosed in parentheses in the SQL source. Ticket: DMDM5RA9E3 ---------------------------------------------------- When checking if the user is has *SECADM or *ALLOBJ special authorities, CoolSpools was not taking account of the possibility those special authoritieshe might be inherited from a group profile. Extend to RTVFIX, LODFIX and CHKFIX commands. Ticket: TMGUN1Y9B2 ---------------------------------------------------- CVTDBF... commands disallowing sorting on a field specified on the EXCLFLD parameter. Remove this prohibition. he Ticket: 3QD7QJ3J4L ---------------------------------------------------- When handling conversion of a DDS edit word (EDTWRD) to an Excel format code, the job DECFMT attribute was being checked to determine how to interpret he . and , in the edit word (decimal point or thousands separator). However, this was inadvertently being done twice, with the result that the format code produced was incorrect where DECFMT(I) or DECFMT(J) was in effect. This has been fixed, unless SL_EDIT_FIX environment variable is set to *NO. Ticket: AJZZUE64BZ ======================================================================= 6CP0172 2013-04-16 PDF/A validators reporting issues with character widths in embedded PostScript fonts. Correct Windows encoding table for certain characters e.g. codepoint 45 should be hyphen not minus. Ticket: AS2PB7B84G ======================================================================= 6CP0171 2013-04-04 CVTDBF... commands giving error message SQL0180 A customer has PDF files labelled as compliant with PDF 1.3 which contain features only introduced in PDF 1.5. MRGPDF is giving error message CVT2030 when trying to read the file. Allow customer to indicate that this inconsistency should be tolerated by supporting environment variable CS_MRG_PDF_ASSUMED_VERSION, which (if it exists) will be interpreted as holding a PDF version number which MRGPDF will assume (ignoring the PDF version in the file header) when processing the file. In this case setting CS_MRG_PDF_ASSUMED_VERSION to '1.5' tells MRGPDF to assume Version 1.5, allowing the file to be processed. Ticket: YM8MZ643L7 ---------------------------------------------------- CVTDBF... commands giving error message SQL0180 "Syntax of date, time, or timestamp value not valid." when processing a Query/400 query as the input and the query contains a timestamp field used as a sort field and/or level break. Ticket: VWY365XA8G ---------------------------------------------------- When checking if the user is has *SECADM or *ALLOBJ special authorities, CoolSpools was not taking account of the possibility those special authoritieshe might be inherited from a group profile. Ticket: TMGUN1Y9B2 ======================================================================= 6CP0170 2013-03-19 Fix to CoolSpools SMTP server issue related to CCSIDs. CCSIDs vary with respect to how they encode the @ symbol and CoolSpools will validate a email address assuming it has been supplied in the CCSID of the current job. However, for consistency with the IBM email APIs, email addresses are stored on file in US CCSID 37. The CoolSpools SMTP server was incorrectly using the CCSID derived from the job attributes of the server job, rather than assuming US EBCDIC 37, when processing stored emails. Ticket: TAUQ7LR7NP ---------------------------------------------------- CVTSPLDBF not sending error message correctly when no map name specified. ======================================================================= 6CP0169 2013-02-28 When processing an Interleaved-2-of-5 barcode, if the data (including any checkdigit generated) is an odd number of digits in length, a leading zero must be prefixed to the data, as this type of barcode requires an even number of digits in the data. This works fine so far as the machine- readable barcode itself is concerned. HOWEVER, there is variation between printer models when it comes to the question of the human-readable version of the barcode: some printers output the additional zero, some output the original data without the extra zero. In order to cope with conflicting user requirements in this area (some want the HRI with the zero, some want it without) CoolSpools will now check for environment variable CS_PDF_INT_2_OF_5_SHOW_HRI_ZERO. If this is *YES, any extra zero prefixed to the data will be included in the human-readable text, otherwise it will not. It is possible that not printing the extra zero in the human-readable text is actually a bug in Host Print Transform, but this is unclear at present. Ticket: MQ6WMMLSA9 ---------------------------------------------------- Fix issue with CVTSPLPDF...INCLFILE() where the *KEYABS or *KEYREL option was used and the key string appeared on the last line of a page. The coordinates were not being set correctly. Ticket: MNVGQS4P2Y ---------------------------------------------------- BETA! Performance enhancement to processing of Database-to-XML and Database-to-Excel maps where the customer is using an extremely large and complex database-to-XML map (e.g. generated from a schema) and only a small part of the overall schema is implemented. To avoid having to walk the entire tree every time, set a flag on certain nodes to indicate that the node is a "deadend", i.e. there is nothing of interest beyond it. Currently this feature must be activated by setting environment variable SL_MAP_CHK_DEADEND to *YES. Ticket: 9YLDDDQQSG ---------------------------------------------------- Fix to handling of text attachments encoded using Base64 encoding. Conversion to the required character set is now carried out before encoding in Base64. This code is currently BETA and only activated if processing a text attachment (*TEXT, *HTML or *XML) and environment variable CS_EMAIL_BASE64_ATTACHMENTS is set to *YES. Ticket: BSAVHEZ1VE ---------------------------------------------------- When ZIPDTA was used with a generic path name relative to the current directory e.g. ZIPDTA FROMFILE(('test*.pdf')), as opposed to an absolute path e.g. ZIPDTA FROMFILE(('/home/ariadne/test*.pdf')), the full path was being included in the resultant zip file (i.e. the first example above would have resulted in the creation of a directory tree in the zip file. Now, the file names inside the zip will reflect the file names as specified on the command, i.e. no directory tree will be generated if no directory path was specified on the command. If the previous behaviour is required, set environment variable AR_ZIP_GENERIC_INCLUDE_PATH to *YES. Ticket: None ---------------------------------------------------- CVTDBFXML generating invalid XML if an alphanumeric field in the input file contained hex zeros x'00'. These are now converted to spaces in the output. An option may be added in future to request that character fields be converted to a hexbinary representation e.g. x'010203' -> '010203'. Ticket: None ======================================================================= 6CP0168 2013-02-21 Fix to change released in fix pack 166 below concerning the encoding of email attachments. Environment variable CS_EMAIL_BASE64_ATTACHMENTS defaults to *NO again for the moment while a fix to certain issues with EBCDIC attachments is developed. Ticket: BSAVHEZ1VE ---------------------------------------------------- Add support for "strict" PDF/A compliance. Some PDF/A validators report errors against PDF/A file generated by CoolSpools, though Adobe Acrobat and Adobe Reader consider them valid. WARNING! This code is considered BETA at this time and should be activated with extreme caution as it changes the manner in which PDF internal structures are generated and could potentially result in the creation of unreadable PDF files. Existing applications will not be affected unless "strict" PDF/A compliance is activated. Strict PDF/A compliance can be selected by either: a) Setting environment variable CS_PDF_PDFA_COMPLIANCE = '*STRICT' or b) use of CVTSPLPDF ... OPTIONS((*PDFA *STRICT)) Ticket: 2DR572BZP8 ======================================================================= 6CP0167 2013-02-13 When more than one font used in a spooled file is mapped to the same target font using the CVTFNTRSC and/or CVTFONTID parameters of CVTSPLPDF, only one copy of the font will be embedded, as an optimization, if environment variable CS_FNT_CHK_DUP_OVR is set to *YES. Ticket: W7DS5VHGPD ---------------------------------------------------- When EMAILTO(*SELECT) was used, and F6 was pressed to enter an email address, if an email address list name was entered, the name was not correcty validated. Ticket: Q947436RY4 ---------------------------------------------------- When the automatic spooled file processing jobs ST_PRCSPLR are running a standard option, previously the standard option definition associated with the user profile under which the job was running was always used. Now, while that is still the default, it is possible to control which standard option definition is used by setting environment variable CP_AUTO_STD_OPT_USR. Values are: *USRPRF = The user profile of the job (as before) *CURUSR = The current user *SPLUSR = The user profile of the spooled file job *SPLOWN = The user profile that created the splf Setting this environment variable to *SPLUSR, for example, will allow different versions of the standard option to run depending on the spooled file user profile. ---------------------------------------------------- ZIPDTA command was giving an error message when asked to zip a document in a QDLS folder. This was because it was validating the object type and was only allowing the use of types *STMF (stream files), *MBR (database members) and *FILE (if of type SAVF i.e. save files). Object type *DOC has now been added to this list. ======================================================================= 6CP0166 2012-12-12 Issues with periods in CSV attachments being lost while being emailed. This appears to be related to the way quoted-printable attachments handle the period character but behaviour is erratic and seems to vary from one email system to another. In consequence, all attachments will now be sent Base64 encoded. This change should not be apparent other than that the issue with periods should disappear. Setting environment variable CS_EMAIL_BASE64_ATTACHMENTS to *NO will cause the system to revert to the previous defaults (quoted-printable for text, CSV, HTML and XML attachments, base64 for all other file types). Ticket: BSAVHEZ1VE ---------------------------------------------------- Pointer error occurring when a font resource is specified on the CVTFNRSC parameter of CVTSPLPDF and that font resource is neither PostScript nor TrueType (i.e. it's a raster font). Ticket: EHMY3G9RJY ---------------------------------------------------- When extracting data from an Excel 2007-2010 *XLSX spreadsheet using CVTXLDBF, the program was not into taking into account the fact that the C atof tof function will assume a different decimal point a character in some environments (dependent on locale specified by QLOCALE system value). This was causing. decimal values extracted to be truncated at the with decimal point rather than correctly rounded. Take account of the local representation of a decimal point in this processing. Ticket: J5QTYUS13V ---------------------------------------------------- Override of a font resource to a TrueType font specified on CVTFNTRSC parameter of CVTSPLPDF not being implemented correctly. Ticket: 6X8QAN5MQ1 ---------------------------------------------------- When converting to Excel using a database-to-Excel map, data items were being converted assuming the null field map from the last record. Ticket: 5NL2L27ZNT ---------------------------------------------------- CVTSPLCSV was outputting a spurious trailing "," thereby inadvertently creating unwanted additional columns, where a number with zero decimal places was being converted to CSV. This only happened on systems where the local decimal point was a , Ticket: GRW5RB2Y4M ---------------------------------------------------- CVTSPLXML giving variable-length string error message RNX0115 "The length of a varying length character or DBCS variable is less than 0 or greater than its declared maximum length". Ticket: 2ZB5QX5E15 ======================================================================= 6CP0165 2012-11-06 Element names being truncated to 20 characters when using database-to-XML maps. The maximum length of an element name is 50 characters now. Ticket: 933AL9P3BD ---------------------------------------------------- When using a multi-format logical file as input to a map, no error message was being sent if RCDFMT(*ONLY) was specified, but no output was created. Add message to clarify usage. Ticket: EAYN95YT68 ---------------------------------------------------- Also fixed a problem with the file that was created when more than 256 columns exist in the input and EXCEL(*XLS) is specified. The file was reported as in error by Excel 2010. Ticket: 35GJW5WR9Q ---------------------------------------------------- When using MRGPDF with the TOPDF(*FTP) option, if the target FTP server was one that did not support FTP CHMOD, an error was being reported. In order to allow users to tell MRGPDF not to try to set file permissions, options have been added to the FTP parameter of MRGPDF. These are equivalent to the file permission options on CVTSPLPDF etc. bu have different defaults, for reasons of backwards comatibility with the way MRGPDF worked prior to this change. Ticket: Q9QJ7JU826 ---------------------------------------------------- The maximum length of the password that can option- ally be supplied on the ZIPDTA command is increased from 32 to 128 bytes. ---------------------------------------------------- 6CP0164 2012-10-17 Creating .XLSX files from database tables having more than 256 columns can cause the application to crash. This is now fixed. Ticket: 35GJW5WR9Q ---------------------------------------------------- When using the CVTSPL* commands to generate emails, you have hitherto been prevented from adding CC or BCC addressees if specifying *EMAILFILE or *EMAILSQL as the prime addresse. This restriction is now lifted. Ticket: C123022 ======================================================================= 6CP0163 2012-10-10 Calendar items can be generated with a time that is 1 hour early/late if the item's date falls within a period of daylight-saving and the date that the item is generated does not (or vice versa). Generation of items across the boundary of daylight-saving is now handled (SNDCMNICAL etc.) Ticket ALS4YZ1M26 ---------------------------------------------------- When producing a PDF file: 1. Avoid filling boxes with white in PDF when the colour is defined in the GOCA data stream as "colour of medium" 2. Treat lines with width defined as zero as invisible Ticket RN3HT69GPT ======================================================================= 6CP0162 2012-09-01 Interleaved 2-of-5 barcodes being generated too tall if no explicit height specified. This was because in the absence of a specific height, the height is generated in the printer data stream as the special value x'FFFF', which was being misinterpreted as an actual height. Ticket ZZSYBV2L3S. ---------------------------------------------------- Some implementations of SMTP forbid a single period at the start of a line of qutoed printable text. This appears not to be commonly implemented, but, where it is, single periods at the start of such a line can be removed, causing email attachments to become corrupted. A new environment variable CS_EMAIL_REPLACE_LEADING_PERIOD now controls whether or not CoolSpools implements this rule. If *YES, leading periods at the beginning of a line of quote printable text are replaced with double periods (..). The default is currently *NO, which will ignore single periods at the start of a line of quote-printable text. This default may change in future. See RFC2821. Ticket QN4VRLQ83Z. ---------------------------------------------------- Remove spurious function key option F22=Printers from WRKSPLFPDM screen. This is not implemented. Ticket H4WG91AN54. ======================================================================= 6CP0161 2012-08-23 Options 43 and 44 of the EMAIL menu now set the appropriate environment variables at both *SYS and *JOB level to avoid confusion and the need to sign off and on again for the change to take effect for the current job. ---------------------------------------------------- Add support for GOCA line types (added to V5, omitted from V6). ======================================================================= 6CP0160 2012-08-06 The CS_PDFMRGR API was not handling more than 4096 input files defined at one time, and would fail with an array index error if more than 4096 files were specified. This limit has been increased to 32767 and the API will return an error condition in the error return structure if more than 32767 files are specified. ---------------------------------------------------- When CVTSPLXL was used with the DFNSTYLES parameter, error message MCH1210 "Receiver value too small to hold result" could occur if no permanent styles (i.e. those created with CRTSTLDFN) or temporary styles (i.e. those defined with OVRSTLDFN) already existed and the style being defined on CVTSPLXL was therefore the first style. ---------------------------------------------------- Change method of capturing error messages returned by commands called from DSNRPTDFN to ensure they are displayed on screen correctly (e.g. duplicate report line name etc.). ---------------------------------------------------- Changes to handling of cursor positioning when running DSNRPTDFN. After defining a report item, the cursor will now move to the next apparent item on the line, to save the cursor having to be respositioned. ---------------------------------------------------- Corrected the text of message CVT9224. *BW and *EW are not valid options for ADDRPTLIN rule comparison. ---------------------------------------------------- If a report definition had the setting THOUSANDS(*NONE) specified, and the ˘˘PATTERN CoolSpools funciton was used by a rule in the report definition, a regular expression error was being reported. This was caused by the outputting a UCS2 U'0000' which was subsequently interpreted by the regular expression processor as a premature end-of-string. The thousands separator is now treated as an empty string UCS2 U''' instead when *NONE is specified. ---------------------------------------------------- Updated the on-screen help for the ADDRPTITM, CHGRPTITM and CPYRPTITM commands, as well as for DSNRPTDFN and the Design Report Definition utility itself, plus the CoolSpools Spool Converter User Guide, all to document the NULLDTAOPT (Blank data option) attribute of report line types. ======================================================================= 6CP0159 2012-07-20 When CVTSPLTXT was converting to text format from a double-byte or mixed-byte encoding scheme to Unicode (UTF16, UTF8, UCS2), spurious characters could appear at the end of a block of DBCS text. This was due to EBCDIC blanks being included in the output in error. ---------------------------------------------------- When converting a DBCS spooled file, if no DBCS CCSID can be identified to allow data conversion, make sure this condition is reported to the user before it can cause a problem. A divide by zero error was occurring because CCSID processing for DBCS data had not been fully carried out. ======================================================================= 6CP0158 2012-07-11 CVTXLDBF was giving error message SLP9035 if the Excel file being processed used a ShrFmla record to reduce the file size by defining a shared formula for a range of cells and the formula returned a string value. ---------------------------------------------------- CoolSpools SMTP Server change. When trying to identify the target mail server, if the DNS lookup does not return any MX records, use the DNS A record instead (see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MX_record) ---------------------------------------------------- CVTSPLXL ... EMAIL(*YES) giving error message CVT3001: "Value 1077952576 for field siEml02Port in structure CS_EML02 is invalid.". Note that CVTSPLXLS is not affected by this error, just CVTSPLXL. ---------------------------------------------------- Generate a more extensive theme1.xml part when creating an Office Open XML Excel 2007 .xlsx file. This is to address problems with opening files of this kind on Apple platforms (iPad, iPhone etc.). CVTSPLXL and CVTSPLXLS are affected by this fix pack. CVTDBFXL was updated in 6CP0145 2012-03-09. ---------------------------------------------------- Modifications to the way that the CoolSpools automatic spooled file processing jobs (ST_CTLSPLR, ST_PRCSPLR) manage shared memory in order to avoid pointer errors that could occur in ST_CTLSPLR (causing all jobs in the COOLSPOOLS subsystem to end) when a rule definition was modified while spooled file monitoring was active. ==================================================== 6CP0157 2012-06-06 MRGPDF generating invalid PDF if the second of two PDFs had an outline tree and the first did not and the outline tree in the second file had /Count 0. ---------------------------------------------------- CHGRPTDBF ITEMNAME(*SAME) giving message CVT9184 "Report item *SAME in report XXX does not exist." ==================================================== 6CP0156 2012-05-17 When a Query/400 query was being processed, if the same field name appeared in more than one file referenced by the Query, CoolSpools Database could in some instances use the wrong field when building the SQL query used to generate *COMBINED output. ---------------------------------------------------- Use of field names on summary totals text in Query/400 (e.g. "Total for &CUSTNO") was not being handle correctly in all case, resulting in the variable name not being replaced with the data value ==================================================== 6CP0155 2012-04-30 When converting a numeric string in a spooled file to Excel, and the length of the numeric string exceeded 15 characters, CVTSPLXLS was outputting a numeric cell that was displayed with rounding by Excel. Limit the length of numeric strings which will be output as numeric cells (as opposed to text labels) to 15 numeric digits. ---------------------------------------------------- Tolerate CCSID conversion errors when converting DBCS strings if environment variable CP_DBCS_ERRORS if set to *WARNING. ---------------------------------------------------- Symbol fonts not being handled correctly by CVTSPLPDF. ==================================================== 6CP0154 2012-04-28 Where CVTDBFXL was being used with a map, and no data was selected for processing, the empty Excel file created was missing a required internal structure. ==================================================== 6CP0153 2012-04-27 Fix handling of plain text when sent in an HTML email. End of line was not being handled correctly. ==================================================== 6CP0152 2012-04-21 Fix to handling of "horizontal tab" operation in *SCS spooled files. These are exclusively old OV/400 spooled file, we believe. ==================================================== 6CP0151 2012-04-10 Try to cope with apparent bug in OS/400 (no PTF yet available, it would appear) whereby if RTVQMQRY is run against a Query/400 query that uses join type 3 (unmatched records) on more than one file, the SQL that RTVQMQRY generates includes a spurious extra ) at the end of the FROM clause. CVTDBFxxxx relies on the SQL returned by RTVQMQRY to analyze the query columns using SQL DESCRIBE and this was failing because of the spurious ). Capture error, remove the ) and retry. ---------------------------------------------------- Apply number formats specified using styles to columns defined as *FORMULA even though the column containing the formula is alphanumeric as the formula result could be numeric. ==================================================== 6CP0150 2012-04-06 Excel file error being caused when converting to *XLSX with CVTDBFXL using a map and multiple worksheets being created in a new file. ==================================================== 6CP0149 2012-03-30 Address MCH3601 null pointer error in SL_CVTVAR. ---------------------------------------------------- EXCLLINKEY parameter of CVTSPLSTMF not working correctly. ---------------------------------------------------- When converting to Excel with CVTSPLSTMF EXCEL(*OLD) or CVTSPLXLS COLUMNOPT(*TOKEN), overlapping text tokens in an *SCS spooled file were causing text not to be allocated to columns correctly. Ignore overlapping tokens if the overlap only affects blanks in the previous token when converting to Excel this way. ==================================================== 6CP0148 2012-03-28 Don't report a CVT9114 error ("Parameter not retrieved") when checking for exit program parameters on a range of pages where all pages have been excluded. ---------------------------------------------------- Fix problem when using CVTDBFXL with a Query/400 query as the input source. Message SLP4108 "No field found for column &1." could occur and/or summaries would not be produced when they were expected. ---------------------------------------------------- Fix problem when using CVTDBFxxx with a Query/400 query as the input source and *ENHANCED output style selected whereby, if a break level was associated with more than one field, an excessive number of summary fields could be output. ---------------------------------------------------- New option to override marker for CoolSpools functions by means of the *FCNMKR option on the OPTIONS parameter of CVTSPLxxx and CVTDBFxxx commands, e.g. OPTIONS((*FCNMKR '%%')) makes %% the marker for CoolSpools functions (rather than the default ˘˘) allowing you to specify %%TRIM, %%SUBST etc. rather than ˘˘TRIM, ˘˘SUBST. ==================================================== 6CP0147 2012-03-25 Modify method of ending an email transmitted by CoolSpools SMTP server. Some email servers e.g. Postini appear not to be receiving emails successfully using the previous method. ==================================================== 6CP0146 2012-03-13 Fix MCH4429 error when CVTSPLXL run with parameters FROMFILE(*SELECT), MAPNAME(*SELECT) and RTVPRMSET(*SPLF). ---------------------------------------------------- Modification to APYFIX logic to avoid product being left in an *ERROR condition as displayed by GO LICPGM. Caused by Restore Exit Program being associated with the language load rather than the code load. APYFIX will ensure the exit program is associated with the code load. ---------------------------------------------------- NetServer Toolkit was not handling share names that did not conform to OS/400 object naming standards. It can now handle names that conform to the rules for NetServer shares. The following characters are permitted: - A-Z - 0-9 (any position, including at the beginning) - Embedded (but not leading) blanks. The following special characters are also permitted. Note that the actual character displayed will vary depending on the CCSID of the job. For example, if the CCSID of the job is 285 (UK), a sterling symbol (˘) is permitted not a dollar sign (^) since that is the character at x'7B' in CCSID 285. If the CCSID of the job is 297 (France), an a-grave (à) is permitted as that is the character at x'7C' in CCSID 297. - x'7B' ("pound sign" or "hash" in US CCSID 37) - x'5B' ("dollar sign" in US CCSID 37) - x'7C' ("at sign" in US CCSID 37) We recommend you avoid using these characters because of the issues they can cause if you use multiple CCSIDs. Names are not case-sensitive (lower case converted to upper case). ---------------------------------------------------- Fix string error that could occur in CVTDBFXL when FROMFILE(*SQL) was specified and the SQL statement specified on the SQL() parameter contained a syntax error if total length of the text of the error message exceeded 2048 bytes. ==================================================== 6CP0145 2012-03-09 Generate a more extensive theme1.xml part when creating an Office Open XML Excel 2007 .xlsx file. This is to address problems with opening files of this kind on Apple platforms (iPad, iPhone etc.). CVTDBFXL only in this fix pack. CVTSPLXL and CVTSPLXLS will be updated in a future fix pack. ---------------------------------------------------- Add support for adding to macro-enabled .xlsm files. CVTDBFXL only in this fix pack. CVTSPLXL and CVTSPLXLS will be updated in a future fix pack. ---------------------------------------------------- CVTDBFXL was generating incorrect Excel format strings for fields with edit code or edit words on systems where the job decimal format has decimal point = comma and thousands separator = period. ---------------------------------------------------- CVTDBFXL not setting sheet protection options correctly when outputting to *XLSX format. These appears at least in part to be due to an issue with Excel and the Open Office XML format documentation. ==================================================== 6CP0144 2012-03-05 Fix string error validating email parameters if save option is *YES and save directory path name shorter than 6 characters. ==================================================== 6CP0143 2012-02-20 Fix to variable-length string error that occurred when trying to email a schema definition with an XML file created with CVTDBFXML. ---------------------------------------------------- Handle negative fields edited with trailing CR when converting spooled files to Excel with CVTSPLXLS. ---------------------------------------------------- Miscellaneous fixes relating to report-to-database maps. ---------------------------------------------------- CVTSPLXLS was occasionally outputting a data item in the wrong column where numeric data was embedded inside a text string. ==================================================== 6CP0142 2012-02-11 Fixes to the handling of email addresses that need to contain special characters (e.g. ˘) or start with numeric characters etc. These are controlled by two environment variables, but the handling of the CCSID in which the environment variable was stored, and of the message text sent in the event of an error, could result in incorrect characters being tested for or displayed. The environment variables are now interpreted as being stored in the CCSID by specified on the CCSID parameter of the ADDENVVAR command when they are defined. All email addresses in message sent by the email validation code are now in the CCSID of the job. ---------------------------------------------------- If option "Save email for resending" is *YES on CVTSPL.... or CVTDBF..., but not password is available for saving in encrypted form, default to save unencrypted. Previously, an error was being reported. ---------------------------------------------------- Add OCCURS parameter to ADDDBFXMLE etc. allowing specification of MINOCCURS and MAXOCCURS values. ---------------------------------------------------- Fix to calculation of column width where *FITTEXT option used on CVTDBFXL. ---------------------------------------------------- When CVTDBF... used with a Query/400 query and QRYDFB(...*RUNOPT...) specified, the run option was sometimes not correctly determined. ---------------------------------------------------- New *ENHANCED form of *SUMMARY processing for Query/400 queries converted to Excel with CVTDBFXL ==================================================== 6CP0141 2012-01-26 Extend the size of the command string and option parameter string supported on spooled file rules and spooled file scripts. The previous maximum for the option parameter string was 1024 bytes and that for the command string 4096 bytes. The maximum is now 8192 bytes for both. ---------------------------------------------------- Email addresses and names retrieved from the system directory were being converted to upper case (but only on OS/400 V6R1M0 and higher - IBM API quirk/ bug?). Modify API parameters to ensure data is returned in the case in which it was entered. ---------------------------------------------------- Add option to specify the port number to use when connecting to a mail server defined on the MAILSERVER parameter of CFGSMTPSVR. ---------------------------------------------------- Add support for *PLAIN (AUTH PLAIN) SMTP authentication method as well as *TLSLOGIN (AUTH LOGIN under TLS) and *TLSPLAIN (AUTH PLAIN under TLS). ---------------------------------------------------- Add support for *CRAMMD5 (AUTH CRAM-MD5) SMTP authentication method as well as *TLSCRAM (AUTH CRAM-MD5 under TLS). ---------------------------------------------------- 6CP0140 2012-01-18 Fix to calculation of barcode size for Data Matrix barcodes. ---------------------------------------------------- Extend size of APYSTYLES parameter as errors were occurring if more than a certain number of entries were used. ---------------------------------------------------- Adjustments to page segment positioning for HPT. ---------------------------------------------------- 6CP0139 2012-01-17 Add support for printing *SCS/*IPDS data from PRTSTMF. ---------------------------------------------------- 6CP0138 2012-01-10 Change to the default method of handling shading in PDFs created from PCL (*USERASCII) spooled files. Previously the default was to fill an area of the page with a shade of solid gray color. This has proved to cause issues with the gray color overlay- ing text and lines. Now, the default is to use a PCL pattern (a raster bitmap) to form the shading. This was previously an option invoked by setting environment variable CS_PCL_PATTERN_METHOD to *PATTERN. Now it is the default. The previous default (gray color) can be invoked by setting CS_PCL_PATTERN_METHOD to *GRAYSCALE. ---------------------------------------------------- Changes to the way margins are set for Excel 2007 .XLSX files created with CVTDBFXL. Problems were occurring with print headings specified on the XLSPRINT parameter overlapping the data. This was caused by margin settings. There is a difference in the way the *DFT option that can be specified for the margins on XLSPRINT is processed in relation to .XLS and .XLSX files. In relation to .XLS files, if the *DFT option is taken, we do not specify the corresponding margin setting at all when building the file. This causes Excel to use its own default value. In relation to .XLSX, it is mandatory to specify a value for all margins or none. The Microsoft file format will not permit some of the margins to be defined but not others. As a result, where there was a mix of the *DFT option and margins with an actual value specified, the margins were defaulting to 0. This could result in there being insufficient room for print titles, which consequently overlapped the data. This could be overcome by specifying an actual usable margin setting rather than using *DFT. However, this fix pack changes the way margins are set for .XLSX files if *DFT is specified. Now, for .XLSX files, if *DFT is specified for a margin setting, CoolSpools will: a) Check for an environment variable called CS_XLS_MGN_UNIT. If it exists and is set to *INCH, *CM or *MM, that unit will be assumed in (b) below, otherwise the unit specified on the XLSPRINT parameter is assumed. b) Check for an environment variable called CS_XLS_xxx_MGN where xxx is one of - LFT (left) - RGT (right) - TOP (top) - BTM (bottom) - HDR (header) - FTR (footer) If the environment variable exists and specifies a usable margin value in the assumed unit, that value is used. c) If (a) and (b) above do not supply a value, the following defaults are applied: - Left = 0.70 inches - Right = 0.70 inches - Top = 0.75 inches - Bottom = 0.75 inches - Header = 0.30 inches - Footer = 0.30 inches It should be noted that the top margin defines the amount of space above the first line of data (which is normally the headings defined on HEADER) while the header margin defines the amount of space above the print titles (those specified on XLSPRINT). The amount of space available for the print titles is the difference between those two, and if the difference is too small, the print titles will overlap the data. This change also enforces a rule that the top margin must be at least as big as the header margin and the bottom margin at least as big as the footer margin, and the top and bottom margins will be adjusted where this is the case. ---------------------------------------------------- 6CP0137 2012-01-05 Handle Excel strings that are longer than the maximum size of an Excel SST record when converting database files to Excel with CVTDBFXL. ---------------------------------------------------- Fix CVTDBFHTML command which was not allowing special values on the DFNSTYLES parameter (e.g. *HEADER). ---------------------------------------------------- 6CP0136 2011-12-17 Fix error when converting spooled files to *XLSX format with CVTSPLXLS and splitting is being done. When handling the zipping of the files, the wrong file name was being used and each new split file was overwriting the previous one, leaving a zero-byte file. ---------------------------------------------------- The PWD parameter of SNDCMNMSG now supports mixed- case passwords. Previously passwords were always upper case. You may need to be careful when keying passwords if you have previously assumed them to be upper case. ---------------------------------------------------- New *PAGAFTER and *PAGBEFORE options on EXCLPAGNBR parameter of various CVTSPLxxx commands allowing pages after or before a specified page number to be dropped. ---------------------------------------------------- Support *ENVVAR options on SAVE parameter of SNDCMNMSG to allow specification of defaults via environment variables. ---------------------------------------------------- *BETA* Support for LOGIN authentication mechanism in CoolSpools SMTP server. ---------------------------------------------------- 6CP0135 2011-12-13 SAVADMDTA and RSTADMDTA commands to allow Spool Admin data to be saved and restored. ---------------------------------------------------- 6CP0134 2011-11-21 Modifications to Database-to-XML element and attribute handling to permit the same element name to appear multiple times in the same map. ---------------------------------------------------- Add APY(*PERM) option to APYFIX command to allow use of APYFIX to apply fixes and the PTFs they comprise permanently. APYPTF must NOT be used to apply CoolSpools PTFs permanently as this can lead to problems due to the same PTF exit program being share between the code load and the language load. It is not possible to resolve this issue prior to the next release. ---------------------------------------------------- Changes to handling of SCS DBCS extensions relating to line drawing (DDS DFNLIN keyword). ---------------------------------------------------- 6CP0133 2011-11-01 When a Query/400 query was being processed by one of the CVTDBFxxx commands, and the query had multiple input files with qualifiers, and those qualifiers were overridden from the defaults (T01, T02 etc.), the field names were not being correctly handled, resulting in an SQL error. Further fixes related to parsing of SQL code, especially on V7 where JOIN specifications are generated by RTVQMQRY. ---------------------------------------------------- New feature: record format sets. These permit the specification of a set of format files identifying the layout of records in files which lack proper or complete metadata (DDS). ======================================================================= 6CP0132 2011-10-21 Fix to handling of calculated fields in SQL statements referenced by Database-To-Excel and Database-to-SQL maps. An invalid column name (all numeric) was being generated in some circumstances. A prefix (SL_SQL_#) is now added to make the column name valid. ---------------------------------------------------- When the data type of a Database-to-Excel map cell was changed, the column name was being lost. Now fixed. ---------------------------------------------------- Changes to setting of registered function names. ---------------------------------------------------- Fix to handling of Human Readable Interpretation (HRI) text of Interleaved 2-of-5 barcodes. Last digit was being truncated. ---------------------------------------------------- When a Query/400 query was being processed by one of the CVTDBFxxx commands, and the query had multiple input files with qualifiers, and those qualifiers were overridden from the defaults (T01, T02 etc.), the field names were not being correctly handled, resulting in an SQL error. ======================================================================= 6CP0131 2011-10-18 Fix to handling of <:variables:> that refer to data items in a report map. Allow references to items outside the current map node. ---------------------------------------------------- Do not build a new data node for a map node that is dependent on a report line type other than the current line type, when GRPSEQOPT is *SPLF. ======================================================================= 6CP0130 2011-10-17 Text-only nodes (e.g. Report-to-Excel row groups containing text items only, e.g. headings) not being output correctly by CVTSPLXL when the node in question is a child of the root node. ---------------------------------------------------- Correct error in sequence of data when CoolSpools Database was processing a Query/400 query with level breaks. The level breaks were being sequenced in the order in which the level break fields appear in the input data, rather than the correct sequence. ---------------------------------------------------- Avoid prompting for record selection twice when running a Query/400 query and outputting in *ENHANCED mode. ---------------------------------------------------- Add NULLDTAOPT option to ADDRPTITM etc. This determines whether null (i.e. blank) data items in a report are ignored and the previous value retained or not. Intended to handle reports where an item value is output the first time it changes only and suppressed on subsequent lines. ---------------------------------------------------- Various fixes to maintenance of Report-to-XML maps and report definitions. ======================================================================= 6CP0129 2011-10-05 Using the RSNCMNMSG (Resend CoolSpools Email Message) command on an email that had been sent via the CoolSpools SMTP server was resulting in a 'No such path" error in the CoolSpools SMTP server log and thr email was not re-sent. 2011-10-13 CVTDBFXL APYSTYLES(... *FORMULA ...) option not working correctly with Database-to-Excel map cells. If a cell is defined as *TEXT and has a formula defined (formatted as "==XL(formula_string)" and *FORMULA is specified for the cell on APYSTYLES, and EXCEL(*XLSX) is specified, a formula can now be created. In addition, there is now an option to define the content of a cell as *FORMULA and specify a formula string on the new FORMULA parameter of ADDDBFXLC, CHGDBFXLC and CPYDBFXLC. This does not require the ==XL() marker to be specified and does not require *FORMULA to be specified on APYSTYLES. Note that formulas are only supported when outputting in *XLSX format. 2011-10-13 Fix "Receiver value too small..." error when processing a Query/400 query with CVTDBFXL where a result field consisting of a calculation exceding 100 characters in length was used as a level break field. 6CP0128 2011-09-26 When generating XML names equivalent to AS/400 names (e.g. the elements and attributes corresponding to fields in an AS/400 database file), special characters such as @, # and ˘ were converted to their (unicode) hex representation, delimited by hyphens, e.g. -0040-, -0023-, -0024-. While this worked fine if the character was not the first, this produced invalid XML names where the character was at the start of the field name, as - is not a valid character at the start of an XML name. The code has now been modified to use an underscore rather than a hyphen in these circumstances. Underscores are allowed in any position of an XML name. 2011-09-27 Add new DSPSPLSCPE (Display Spooled File Script Entry) command and option 5=Display to WRKSPLSCPE to display details of a spooled file script entry. 2011-09-30 New SAVADRL/RSTADRL and SAVADRDIR/RSTADRDIR commands to allow the saving/restoring of email address lists and directories to/from a user space. This is intended to make it easier to move/copy lists and directories between systems/partitions. 6CP0127 2011-09-20 Parameter overrides specified on RUNSPLSCP OVRPARM() are not now processed if the result would be an invalid command string. 2011-09-20 Add "Delete after sending" option to ATTACH parameter of SNDCMNMSG. 2011-09-20 Handle JPEGs with unrecognized (invalid?) Adobe APP0 structures. 6CP0126 2011-09-13 Fix pointer error when CVTSPLPDF ... PRTDEV(*IPDS) specified. 2011-09-13 CVTDBFXL not correctly processing option *NONE for rule parameter 1 on CNDFMTRULE parameter. 2011-09-14 CVTDBFCSV producing erroneous output when converting to UTF-8 if string delimiter = *NONE. Spurious hex x'00' characters added to output. 6CP0125 2011-09-02 Fix issue with CoolSpools SMTP server where it was not correctly taking account of the MAILSERVER setting of CFGSMTPSVR. 2011-09-09 Fix issues with CoolSpools SMTP server where it was not handling CCSIDs correctly. 2011-09-09 SNDCMNMSG now has an OPTIONS parameter which allows specification of variable names enclosed in delimiters <: ... :> and a corresponding variable value, e.g.: OPTIONS(('<:POLICYNUMBER:>' '1234567')) Wherever the variable marker <:POLICYNUMBER:> if foundon a command parameter that supports variables (e.g. subject line, message text, also in the text of a stream file supplying the message text), that marker is replaced with the variable value at run time. This allows the use of a generic text with variables that are replaced at run time with values that depend on the specific circumstances of the run (e.g. the number of the insurance policy being emailed). The value of any such variables specified on the OPTIONS parameter of the CVTSPLxxx and CVTDBFxxx commands is carried through to CoolSpools Email and processed similarly. 2011-09-09 RUNSPLSCP now has an OVRPARM (Override option parameters) parameter which allows the specification of command parameters which should override those defined for the commands and options run by the spooled file script entries. For example, if a script has an entry which converts a spooled file to PDF and emails it specifying EMAILTO(*CURRENT) to send the PDF to the email address of the current user, this can be overridden by specifying a different value for EMAILTO on the OVRTPARM parameter of RUNSPLSCP, e.g.: RUNSPLSCP ... OVRPARM('EMAILTO(someone@somwhere.com)') would cause the email to go to someone@somewhere.com instead. 2011-09-09 New CHKFIX command which allows users to check if the conditions are right for running APYFIX before actually running it. Checks fix pack status and availability, user authorities, object locks etc. 2011-09-12 Fix to handling of decimal point = comma when processing a Query/400 query in CVTDBFXL. The SQL settings were not correct when the module was built. 6CP0124 2011-08-31 Fix issue with SPLITKEY option that was causing splitting not to occur when it should have done. 2011-09-02 Changes to SAVSUPKEY and LODFIX to improve the handling of a support key that is valid for *ALL product options. Any other support keys saved will be removed/ignored where a valid *ALL support key is located. 6CP0123 2011-08-25 Fix record lock problem which occurred when WRKSPLSCPE was being run against a spooled file script and RUNSPLSCP SCRIPT(*SELECT) was run at the same time. Records were being locked unnecessarily. Fix error CMQ9104 "Unable to write log record to file CM_MSGRCP" when using SNDCMNMSG ... CFMDEL() with CoolSpools SMTP. 6CP0122 2011-08-19 Fix array index error when CVTDBF... FORMAT() option used. 2011-08-19 Fix Excel open error when "Hide unused rows" open used with CVTDBFXL, CVTSPLXLS or CVTSPLXL. 2011-08-17 Where CVTDBFXL was being used with a multi-format logical as the input file, message SLP4176 "Field XXX specified more than once on APYSTYLES parameter" was sometimes sent incorrectly. 2011-08-16 Fix to MRGPDF handling of bookmarks (outlines). Where the new, quicker merge method was being used, the bookmark tree was not being properly preserved when a file after the first file had a single outline which was both the /First and /Last entry. 6CP0121 2011-08-12 When an exit program was being used to set PDF passwords, and 128-bit encryption was requested, 40-bit encryption was being output due to controls being established in an initialization routine called before the exit program. Fix. 6CP0120 2011-08-08 Fix to "Length of varying length variable is out of range" error when using CVTDBFTXT, CVTDBFCSV or CVTDBFHTML. 6CP0119 2011-08-05 Fix to MRGPDF command. Invalid PDF was being generated due to an error parsing input files where multiple /Xref streams are used. 2011-08-05 Fix validation of column names specified on CNDFMTGRP and CNDFMTRULE parameters of CVDTBXL. The 30-character DDS ALIAS should have been allowed in addition to the basic 10-character field name. 6CP0118 2011-07-21 Reduce number of status messages sent by CVTDBFxxx commands. Allow control of volume of status messages sent by CVTDBFxxx command by setting of environment variable CS_MSG_LEVEL: *NONE = No status messages *MIN = Volume decreased by factor of 10 *MAX = One per record *NORMAL = Normal level 2011-07-28 Fix PDF parsing error when merging PDFs caused by the use of indirect references to page arrays and counts in the pages dictionary. 2011-07-31 Major enhancements to support for the *SMTP method sending emails from CoolSpools. The *SMTP method by-passes MSF and the IBM SMTP server and delivers emails by sending SMTP commands directly to the target mail server. This is now, by default, supported by the use of new CoolSpools SMTP server jobs. At present, this should be considered "beta" code and documentation and help text is still Work in Progress. 2011-07-31 Fix pointer error which occurred when using CVTDBFXL with *QRYDFN as the input source and *COMBINED *ENHANCED output format when the output from RTVQMQRY specifies the ORDER BY clause in terms of qualified field names rather than column numbers (it is not known in what circumstances RTVQMQRY chooses this form of output). 6CP0117 2011-07-16 Correct positioning of Data Matrix barcode on a rotated page. 6CP0116 2011-06-12 a) Fix to setting of column widths in Excel spreadsheets created with CVTDBFXL where an explciit column width is specified on COLWIDTHS or where *FITTEXT was being used to based column widths on the font metrics. Column widths were being adjusted unnecessarily if the font size was different from the font size of the *DATA style. b) Add support for specification of a TrueType or OpenType font file name on the FONTNAME parameter of CRTSTLDFN, OVRSTLDFN etc. as well as on the font name element of the DFNSTYLES parameter of CVTDBFXL. Where *FITTEXT is specified for the column width calculation method, and the path of a font file with a name ending in .ttf or .otf is specified on one of these parameters, CoolSpools will try to locate the font file in the IFS at run time and will extract the font metrics from the file. This will enable CoolSpools to calculate column widths more accurately. e.g. OVRSTLDFN BASESTYLE(*DATA) NEWSTYLE(calibri) FONTNAME('/resources/fonts/calibri.ttf') defines a new temporary style called "calibri" and references a copy of the TrueType font calibri.ttf. If *FITTEXT sis specified for the column calculation method, CoolSpools will extract the font metrics from this file and use them to calculate column widths. c) When CVTDBFXML was being used to output to a folder in the /QDLS file system, the default extension for the name of the generated stylesheet file (.xslt) exceeded the permitted length of a file extension in the /QDLS file system. The extension will now be .xsl if the /QDLS file system is being used. d) Modify authorities on temporary files created in QTEMP by the CVTDBFxxx commands. QTEMP files now have *PUBLIC *ALL authority in order to avoid issues that can occur when profile swapping is used. e) Fix to handling of data matrix barcodes, which were producing garbage. 6CP0115 2011-06-09 a) Issues caused by Adobe Reader 10. There are widespread reports that Adobe Reader 10 is slow opening files. This is not restricted to PDFs created by CoolSpools, but is a general issue with Adobe Reader 10. Some reports suggest that the problem is particularly severe on Windows 7 and when the file is stored on a network. File open times can be improved by switching off "Enable protected mode at startup" in the preferences, but file open times still seem slow compared to previous versions even without protected mode enabled. This slowness in opening files is causing problems when the CVTSPLPDF...TOSTMF(*VIEW) and TOSTMF(*PRINT) options are used. Specifically, the STRPCCMD command used to start up Adobe Reader on the PC is returning control to CoolSpools prematurely, before the PDF file has been opened, and CoolSpools is deleting the file before it has been opened, causing Adobe Reader (eventually) to display a "File not found" error. The following changes have been made in this fix pack to try to address these issues: 1. By default, if the Adobe Reader path contains the string "Reader 10", we will not automatically delete the temporary PDF files created for the purpose of CVTSPLPDF TOSTMF(*VIEW) and TOSTMF(*PRINT). In our testing, given the unpredictability and slowness of Adobe Reader X in opening the file, this seems to be the only reliable way to avoid the "File not found" issue caused by our deleting the file before it's been opened. 2. We have changed the names given to temporary PDF files to a unique string (generated from the job number and a system timestamp) prefixed by the value CS_TMP. Temporary files are created in /tmp. Where Reader 10 is being used, users should schedule a periodic cleanup of these file by running: RMVLNK OBJ('/tmp/CS_TMP*.PDF') 3. If this is not acceptable, users will be able to override this behaviour by means of environment variables: CS_PDF_VIEW_DLT_TEMP_FILE CS_PDF_PRINT_DLT_TEMP_FILE which can be set to *YES or *NO. The default will be *NO for Reader 10 and *YES if some other version of Adobe Reader. 4. Where the file is being automatically deleted, it will be possible to control the amount of time that CoolSpools gives Adobe Reader to open the file before deleting it by means of an environment variable CS_PDF_ADOBE_PAUSE_SECONDS. This will default to 30 for Reader 10 and 0 for other versions. A minimum of 0 and a maximum of 60 will be enforced. You may be able to determine a reasonable amount of time to allow Adobe Reader 10 to open the file, in your environment, which will minimize the risk of the file being deleted before it is opened. None of this is ideal, but we think this is the best we can do to cope with the problems Adobe Reader X is presenting at the moment. b) Move validation of styles referenced by the APYSTYLES and CNDFMTRULE parameters of CVTDBF... commands from the validity checker to the command processing program. This means that invalid style names will not be detected until the command starts to run. The reason for making this change is to allow CL programs that use the OVRSTLDFN command to define styles to compile without the need for a style definition of the same name to already have been created with CRTSTLDFN. c) Column widths being calculated incorrectly where the widest item in the column is the heading text and the header style is not *HEADER and has a font other than Arial 10 specified. d) Renaming a Database-to-Excel map with RNMDBFXL was losing the input source type. Fixed. 6CP0114 2011-05-25 a) The default for the second element of the EXITPGMPRM parameter of the CVTSPL... commands has been changed from *SPLF to *EBCDIC. The new *EBCDIC option tells CoolSpools to convert data from *USERASCII spooled files (which is normally ASCII) to the CCSID of the job before using that data in exit program parameters or CoolSpools variable values. Data from other spooled file types is not converted at all and will be processed in its original encoding, as before. If applications are assuming that ASCII data is returned from *USERASCII spooled files, you should either change your code to specify the old default value *SPLF explicitly, or, if that is not practical, set environment variable CS_USERASCII_PARMS_ASCII to *YES, in which case the new *EBCDIC option will behave in exactly the same way as the old *SPLF option. b) Add support for CoolSpools variables in column heading text specified on the APYSTYLES parameter of CVTDBF... commands. c) Fix issue with spooled file selection program used by the CVTSPL... FROMFILE(*SELECT) option which caused only a single page of spooled files to be displayed if the list of spooled files was fully built on the first call to the API. d) New Spool Admin Variable &I = Current User e) New SAV* and RST* commands to save and restore report definitions, report maps, database maps, parameters sets and style definitions to a user space. Mainly intended to assist with distributing these "objects" from one system to another. *** Currently BETA = Use with caution *** f) New facility to tailor the definition of Spool Admin substitution variables. See new commands CHGSBSVAR, CPYSBSVAR, WRKSBSVAR. Activated by setting environment variable CS_SUBST_VAR_METHOD = *NEW *** Currently BETA = Use with caution *** 6CP0113 2011-05-16 a) Modifications to the list handling techniques used by WRKSPLTRN, intended to improve performance and allow more than 9999 transactions to be processed. b) New format option EXCEL(*XLS07) which can be used with CVTSPLXL, CVTSPLXLS and CVTDBFXL. This will create an Excel 2007-compatible .xls workbook (not a .xlsx workbook) which can take advantage of features available from Excel 2007 such as the ability to change number formatting and font names and sizes through conditional formatting. It should be noted that although this file format can be opened by earlier versions of Excel, those versions will not understand the Excel 2007 extensions and will, for example, ignore all conditional formatting rules. c) Fix "signature violation" error when using the SNDCMNMSG ... SAVE() option or RSNCMNMSG command caused by two objects being omitted in error from a previous fix pack. d) Minor change to the logic used by CVTSPLXLS ... COLUMNOPT(*CALC) to determine column breaks. This new logic is intended to reduce the number of instances where the code is "confused" by free format text columns into adding additional spurious columns or combining text in columns unnecessarily. e) Fix issue arising from previous change to WRKSPLFPDM which caused only a single page of spooled files to be displayed on some occasions (where the list was able to be fully built on the first call to the API). 6CP0112 2011-05-06 a) Changes to rules used to determine whether or not to implement auto-rotation and Computer Output Reduction (COR) when a Host Print Transform printer is emulated. An HPT printer is emulated if one or more of the following is true: o PRTDEV(*HPT) is specified o PRTDEV(device_name) is specified and device_name has the TRANSFORM(*YES) attribute o PRTDEV(*SPLF) is specified and the spooled file is associated with a printer that has TRANSFORM(*YES) o PRTDEV(*SYSVAL) is specified and the QPRTDEV system value names a printer device with TRANSFORM(*YES) o PRTDEV(*SYSVAL) is specified and the environment variable CS_DFT_PRT_DEV is *HPT o PRTDEV(*SYSVAL) is specified and the environment variable CS_DFT_PRT_DEV names a printer device with TRANSFORM(*YES) The rules for COR and auto-rotation when an HPT printer device is being emulated now follow this IBM specification: http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=nas157 5825838e682bf586256843005c2289 Basically: IF device type is not *AFPDS IF page width <= 8.5 inches --> No rotation (portrait) or COR ELSE --> 90-degree rotation (landscape) IF page length >= 8.5 ---> COR ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF b) Fix to handling of colors specified as 3 hex numbers when defining styles. Previously, these were not being displayed correctly by DSPSTLDFN or retrieved correctly by the CHGSTLDFN command. c) CVTDBFXL setting columns too wide when the source field had EDTCDE or EDTWRD because CoolSpools was compensating for field editing twice. d) Fix "No output created" error when CVTSPLXL used with EMAIL(*YES) option. e) Major changes to WRKSPLFPDM and the CVTSPLxxx FROMFILE(*SELECT) options to make significant improvements to the performance of spooled file selection and list handling. Spooled files should now be displayed much more quickly than before and a much larger number of spooled files can now be handled. 6CP0111 2011-04-26 GRPDTAOPT(*FIRST) on a Database map causing incorrect results for a text-only (e.g. column heading) node (row group). Default for CS_CHK_PARENT_RULE environment variable now *YES. See 109 below. Database maps not correctly handling variable-length data fields when processing rules. CVTDBFSTMF and CVTDBFXL STMFOPT(*RPLXLSSHT) giving SLP9032 "Sheet ... not found" if the target file does not already exist. Fix number formats on conditional formatting rules added on new worksheets with STMFOPT(*ADD). Reduce number of Excel XFs generated by deduping. Reduce number of Excel fonts generated by deduping. Fix to formatting of numeric cells when CVTSPLXLS COLUMNOPT(*TOKEN) used. Alignment also corrected. Add option to specify a column range on APYSTYLES parameter of CVTSPLXLS. 6CP0110 2011-04-21 Add support for PCL "Simple Color" and "Configure Image Data" instructions. At present, only black/ white bitmap images and RGB direct-by-pixel images are supported. Currently in beta and conditioned by environment variable CS_PCL_COLOR (options '1' = use color, default '0' = do not use color). Add *CT and *NC options to the INCLLINKEY parameter of CVTSPLXLS, CVTSPLCSV and CVTSPLTXT commands to allow lines to be dropped from the output is they either contain the key string (*CT - previous behavior, now the default behavior) or do not contain the key string (*NC). 6CP0109 2011-04-15 Add support for outputting *FCFC First Character Forms Control characters or line numbers and/or column numbers when converting spooled files to text format (CVTSPLTXT). Allow blank email addresses (which are ignored) for *CC and *BCC recipient types (previously only allowed for *PRI). Improved handling of situations where a product option that is required for a particular function (e.g. sending email or converting to PDF) is licensed but not installed. Fix array index error hwne converting to Excel .xlsx format and the input source has more than 256 columns. Allow specification of a range of column letters e.g. 'A-Z' in conjunciton with the *XLCOLID "Identify by" option when specifying columns to which styling (APYSTYLES) and conditional formatting (CNDFMTGRP) apply on CVTDBFXL. Note that the range must be enclosed in single quotes. Improved handling of the situation where more than 9999 spooled file transactions are selected for display in WRKSPLTRN. Only a single warning message is now displayed. Previously a message was sent for each record > 9999. When using CVTDBF... with a map, new map nodes are sometimes being output when the rule for the parent node should prevent it. The logic has been changed to stop this but at present is conditional on environment variable CS_CHK_PARENT_RULE being *YES. 6CP0108 2011-04-11 Improved handling of spooled files, which, when the Spool Admin processor job comes to process them, are still open. This normally happens when the spooled file has the SCHEDULE(*IMMED) attribute. Processing the spooled file while it is still open can lead to unpredictable results, including spooled files not being matched to rule correctly (e.g. because they have zero pages) or not being converted fully (because some data is still left in a program buffer and the file is not complete). Now, by default, if an open spooled file is encountered, the processor job will delay for 2 seconds to give it a chance to be closed, and will then either proceed to process it normally (if it has been closed) or resubmit the spooled file transaction for processing at a later time (after other pending transactions have been attempted). In order to avoid unnecessary delays, it is recommended that spooled files to be processed by the Spool Admin automatic processing jobs be given the SCHEDULE(*FILEEND) attribute, so that they are not made available for processing until they are closed and the data they contain is complete. Adjust logic for handling XML restricted characters. 6CP0107 2011-04-08 Add support for new ˘˘XLDATE (Excel Date) function. This converts a date string (e.g. 09/04/2011) to an Excel day count (e.g. 40642) for use with conditional formatting rules which require a date field to be tested. CVTSPL... and CVTDBF... commands will now send a warning message (but still complete normally) if the file extension specified is inconsistent with the file format, e.g. an extension of .pdf specified with CVTDBFXL. This can be switched off if it is inconvenient for some reason by adding environment variable CS_CHECK_FILE_EXTENSION with a value of *NO. Fix MCH1210 "Receiver value" error when CVTSPLSTMF used with TOFMT(*XLS) and no font specified. Introduce "beta" support for output via sftp (ssh - as opposed to FTP over SSL). This requires the use of exchanged public keys and cannot work via password-level security. Fix spurious CVT9031 message "At least one email recipient required." when CVTSPLCSV ... EMAIL(*YES) specified. 6CP0106 2011-04-04 When converting to .xlsx format (EXCEL(*XLSX) specified), if the data contained XML restricted characters, http://www.w3.org/TR/2006/REC-xml11-20060816/#NT-Res trictedChar these were being converted to an XML numeric character, but although this gives well formed XML, Excel still reports an open error when processing a string containing this data. Now, restricted characters in strings are removed entirely. Add support for additional styling options on the APYSTYLES parameter. You can now set field-/column- specific styling for rows Query/400 total and sub- total rows as well as the sub-total break text and final summary text. Excel print area not being set correctly where no detail-level rows exist. Further adjustments to processing of Query/400 query headings in *ORIGINAL style. When processing a calculated query column, use the field name not the outfile text (which is the calculation) if no column headingsd defined. 6CP0105 2011-04-03 Further refinements and improvements to new *ENHANCED output style for *COMBINED Query/400 output. Still in "beta" at this stage. Now available from CVTDBFXL, CVTDBFCSV and CVTDBFHTML. See additional option on QRYDFN parameter. 6CP0104 2011-03-25 When converting a spooled file to CSV, and the first item on the line is not to be output in column A, empty columns were not being output correctly to force the data to the correct column. 2011-03-25 When converting a spooled file to Excel using CVTSPLXL and a report-to-Excel map, numeric formatting was not being set correctly when adding a worksheet to an existing workbook. 2011-03-22 New method of handling Query/400 input to CVTDBFXL in *COMBINED mode, intended to reproduce the appearance of a printed Query/400 report much more closely, including: - column and row layout - editing/formatting of fields - column heading text - break level text This is currently in "beta". To try it, you must opt in by setting environment variable CS_QRYDFN_COMBINED_METHOD to *NEW. 2011-03-22 CVTDBFXL ... STMFOPT(*ADD) not adding a new sheet if the input file is empty. 2011-03-22 Fix to validation of merged cell ranges when specifying cells with WRKRPTXL, WRKDBFXL etc. 2011-03-21 Support for 128- and 256-bit AES encryption. 6CP0103 2011-03-14 Fix to identification of Query/400 query run option. New method of generating a plain-text version of a message from a an HTML document or a message containing HTML tags such as
. Currently, this is experimental and activated by means setting environment variable CS_HTML_TO_TEXT_METHOD to *NEW (default *OLD) Also, if environment variable CS_HTML_TO_TEXT_OPTION is *ALL, all HTML-like are removed even if the message is not a full well-formed HTML document. The default is for to be removed if the message appears to be an HTML document, but only a limited number of are removed if not (

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    1. ). 6CP0102 2011-03-08 CVTDBFXL incorrectly setting styling on detail rows as if they were totals. 6CP0101 2011-03-03 CVTDBFXL not setting print area correctly where hidden columns exist and there are subtotal or total rows. Not setting styling correctly on subtotal and total rows where column related to a level break field at a higher level. CVTDBFXL giving a pointer error if STMFOPT(*ADD) specified in conjunction with TOSTMF(*FTP) and the file specified on the FTP() parameter did not already exist. If STMFOPT(*NONE) specified in conjunction with TOSTMF(*FTP) and the file specified on the FTP() parameter already exists, return an error message. Where query has a variable referenced in break level text for the final totals break, obtain value of variable from previous record. Experimental: option to output fields in the order in which they are defined in the query by setting environment variable CS_QRY_FLD_SEQ to *QRYDFN. 6CP0100 2011-03-02 Fix bug where exit programs called at the *STMFEND exit point from the CVTSPLXLS and CVTSPLXL commands were being passed the variables for the next stream file, not the one just processed. When CVTDBFxxx FROMFILE(*QRYDFN) used, and conversion of the Query/400 query to a QM query results in field column headings such as COUNT_field_name or TOTAL_field_name, avoid allowing the field name to appear as the column heading when better text is available. 6CP0099 2011-03-01 Fix error CVT3001: "Value *POS for field saCol01Method in structure CS_COL01 is invalid" Add options to DSPPRDINF to generate a product status report and send it to ariadne. When creating a Database-to-Excel map or Database- to-XML map, and the input is taken from an SQL source member, previously if *LIBL was specified for the name of library in which the source file existed, the source member had to exist in the first instance of the source file in the library list. Now, the library list will be searched and all instances of the source file checked for the member name in question. 6CP0098 2011-02-21 When processing a query that runs in *SUMMARY mode, CVTDBFXL was taking certain attributes e.g. edit codes from the wrong column. Correct this and other issues related to the processing of *SUMMARY queries, especially when CVTDBFXL ... QRYDFN(... *RUNOPT ...) is used. Fix to decimal data error when processing a barcode. Fix to handling of digital certificates where the first alias does not correspond to a private key. Solves JVM crash when applying a digital signature to a PDF. Use of CVTSPLxxx EMAILMSG(*N) and CVTDBFxxx EMAILMSG(*N) was generating a message consisting of a single space character, enough to stop Outlook displaying *EMBEDded attachments inline. Now EMAILMSG(*N) will produce a message with no message body. Reinstate the CVTSPLTXT EMAILOPT( ... *MSGTXT ...) option inadvertently lost on the move to V6. New option to specify a user-defined preamble and "postamble" to the HTML version of email messages. Where they exist, these are used in place of the standard system-supplied preamble and postamble which wrapper a plain text message to create an HTML version of it and can be used to do things like changing the font in which the message appears. The standard system-supplied preamble is which sets the font to Arial. The standard system-supplied postamble is To create a user-defined HTML preamble, create environment variable CS_EMAIL_HTML_START To create a user-defined HTML postamble, create environment variable CS_EMAIL_HTML_END. For example, if the premable were defined as the HTML version of messages would a larger font than otherwise and that font would be Courier not Arial. If you use this feature, it is your responsibility to ensure that a valid HTML document results, otherwise the message may not display correctly. 6CP0097 2011-02-18 Modify method of validating SQL statements in order to avoid issues that can arise in environments where the decimal point is a comma. Fix array index error when STMFOPT(*ADD) used with CVTSPLXL. Add EXCLROWGRP parameter to CVTSPLXL to allow exclusion of row groups based on the value of report items. When CVTDBFxxx is used with FROMFILE(*QRYDFN) and the Query/400 query is run in *SUMMARY mode, ensure that the output is processed in arrival sequence unless a SORT() parameter is specified. 6CP0096 2011-02-15 Problems with FROM(*CURRENT) and EMAILFROM(*CURRENT) causing CPF3C12 "Length of data is not valid." Fix calculation of margins in spooled files where some pages are landscape and others portrait. Fix string error when the length of data specified for a data item on the EXITPGMPOS command is longer than the length of a line of text. 6CP0095 2011-02-04 Changes to ensure that, when CoolSpools functions are being applied to a piece of data, any "special" characters in that data (specifically, those used as part of the syntax for calling the function, e.g. parentheses () and commas, are not misinterpreted as part of the function call. Fix to handling of CCSID conversions when retrieving current user's email address and name from the system directory in CRTCMNMSG. When processing CVTSPLPDF TOSTMF(*VIEW|*PRINT), the temporary file used now has an extension of .PDF rather than .TMP. 6CP0094 2011-02-02 Further Excel 2010 issues. When CVTDBFXL, CVTSPLXLS or CVTSPLXL was being used with STMFOPT(*ADD), the EXTSST record was being duplicated. Excel 2010 opened such files in "Protected View" as a consequence. Fix offset to DEFCOLWIDTH record in Excel INDEX record for existing worksheets when STMFOPT(*ADD) used. 6CP0093 2011-02-01 Changes to address some issues with Excel 2010. When CVTSPLXLS or CVTSPLXL was used with splitting, the OLE header of files after the first was not being entirely reinitialized. The resultant slight mis-formation was giving a file open error, but only in Excel 2010 (the problem was not apparent with earlier versions of Excel). Correct the generation of the internal Excel INDEX record. Again, this issue was not apparent with earlier versions of Excel but was causing Excel 2010 to open files in "Protected View" if the total number of rows in an Excel 97-2003 *XLS workbook exceeded approximately 67,000. New option on CHARSET parameter of SNDCMNMSG to control whether or not CoolSpools attempts to harmonize the encoding of the various parts of a multipart email by converting them all to a common character set (typically UTF-8). This is intended to address the issue with certain Microsoft client email systems such as Outlook and Windows Mail that the character set of the message is taken from the first part of the message and the charset attribute of later parts is ignored. The default for the CHARSET parameter is now *ENVVAR, allowing users to control the encoding through an environment variable CS_EMAIL_DFT_CHARSET. If this is not set, the default is now *CALC, which will use ISO ASCII Latin 1 is the CCSID of the job is Latin 1, otherwise UTF-8. 6CP0092 2011-01-27 When attaching a database file member to an email using SNDCMNMSG, take account of the possibility that member could be in a file in an independent ASP. Fix to TOSTMF(*EMAIL) option. Incorrect file name was being used. Change the method of generating temporary file names to avoid issues with tmpnam() not producing unique names system-wide. Changes/additions to CoolSpools variables: 1) CURUSER, CURUSEREMAIL, CURUSERNAME and CURUSERHOME are all now based on the current user of the job, not job user profile. In most cases these are the same, but it is possible for them to be different, e.g. HTTP server processing requests for different users. 2) New variables JOBUSER, JOBUSEREMAIL, JOBUSERNAME and JOBUSERHOME now provide the functionality previous provided by CURUSER, CURUSEREMAIL, CURUSERNAME and CURUSERHOME. 3) New variables added: SRLNBR (system serial number) SYSNAME (system name from the network attributes) HOSTNAME (host name from the TCP/IP attributes) DOMAIN (domain name from the TCP/IP attributes) 4) Variables added for system directory attributes: CURUSERDIRxxx Attribute xxx for current user JOBUSERDIRxxx Attribute xxx for job user profile SPLUSERDIRxxx Attribute xxx for spooled file user OWNUSERDIRxxx Attribute xxx for spooled file owner In each case xxx is the name of an attribute from the system directory (see Search System Directory QOKSCHD API for a list). For example, to retrieve the preferred name of the spooled file owner, use variable name <:OWNUSERDIRPREFNAM:> 6CP0091 2011-01-26 Unless environment variable CM_SLT_SYS_DIR is set to *NO, the system directory will now be available as an email address directory from which you can select email addresses (SNDCMNMSG, CRTCMNMSG etc.) just as you can from CoolSpools Email address directories. 6CP0090 2011-01-19 Fix to setting of style for title text lines defined on HEADER parameter. The styling associated with the detail line column was still being used instead of *TITLE if an APYSTYLES was defined for the final column. Changes to the handling of email attachments. By default, non-binary files attached to an email will be sent in their original encoding, with no data conversion performed, unless that original data is encoded in EBCDIC, when it will be converted to an appropriate equivalent ISO ASCII CCSID. There is now a new option on the ATTACH parameter of SNDCMNMSG and a new CM_A0300 attachment format permitting the specification of the CCSID in which the attachment should be sent. This is intended to fix a number of issues, including: a) Attaching EBCDIC database file members as *TEXT or *CSV was incorrectly sending the data as EBCDIC since 6CP0086. b) ASCII text files were being re-encoded as UTF8 by default. 6CP0089 2011-01-18 Fix to CVTDBFXL and CVTDBFSTMF HEADER() options *COLHDG1, *COLHDG12, *COLHDG13, *COLHDG2, *COLHDG23 and *COLHDG3, which were not be processed correctly and were producing the same output as HEADER(*FLDNAM). Fix to setting of style for title text lines defined on HEADER parameter. The styling associated with the detail line column was being used instead of *TITLE. 6CP0088 2011-01-11 When CVTDBFxxx FROMFILE(*SQLSRC) was being used to process SQL statements stored in a SQL source member and SQLSRC(*LIBL/file_name mbr_name) is specified, an error was being returned if the specified member (mbr_name) was not found in the first instance of file file_name in the library list. Logic has been modified to look for a member called mbr_name in other copies of file file_name in libraries lower down the library list as well. Fix declaration of character set in the MIME header of the HTML portion of a multipart email. 6CP0087 2011-01-05 When converting to Excel 97-2003 format, if the number of rows generated exceeded a certain threshold (unpredictable, but around 300,000), causing the Excel index to overflow into a second or subsequent continuation record, a variable length string error occurred (due to memory getting corrupted by being overwritten. Now fixed. Fix erroneous SLP4232 message when EXCLFLD parameter of CVTDBFXL is used and a record format is specified. When using CVTDBFXL with the *QRYDFN option, the "Summary line style" option *PRINTER now suppresses the break level field completely in the same way as the *EXCLUDE option. Correct the setting of free-format header lines specified on the HEADER parameter of CVTDBFXL. Where fields were excluded automatically e.g. dummy fields used for processing queries and Query/400 summary fields BREAKLVL and OVERFLOW, the number of columns to merge was not being calculated correctly. Fix to handling of AR_ERR_ACTION (see 6CP0085 below) from CVTSPLxxx: emails being sent when not error has occurred. Support the use of environment variables AR_ERR_FROM_EMAIL and AR_ERR_FROM_NAME to allow the setting of the sender email address and name for the error emails. 6CP0086 2011-01-05 When opening an Excel 2007 .xlsx file created with CoolSpools, the Excel 2003 File Converter is prompting the user to ask if a recalc should be performed. Modify setting of workbook calcPr (Calculation Properties) element to avoid this. Encoding of text attachments being inadvertently modified to UTF8. Use Base64 encoding for all attachments other than inline to avoid this. 6CP0085 2011-01-03 Error handling options. If you create an environment variable called AR_ERR_ACTION, you can set it to any of these values: 1. *EMAIL: email_address Sends an error message to the email address following *EMAIL: 2. *ADRL: email_address_list_name Sends an error message to all of the email addresses in the email address list the name of which follows *ADRL: 3. *MSG: qualified_message_queue_name Sends an error message to the message queue the qualified name of which follows *MSG: You can also create an environment variable called AR_ERR_ACTION_mmmmmmm, where mmmmmmm is a message ID, to set the error handling action for a specific message ID. This takes precedence over the generic error handling action specified by AR_ERR_ACTION. 6CP0084 2010-12-21 Support conversion of character values containing thousands separators and currency symbol when converting character fields to numbers using CVTDBFXL ... APYSTYLES(... *NUMERIC) 6CP0083 2010-12-20 CVTDBFXL fixes. Text-only map nodes (e.g. headings) not being output when a new parent node is output. Fix to handling of color codes expressed as set of RGB hex values on CRTSTLDFN, OVRSTLDFN etc. 6CP0082 2010-12-18 CVTDBFXL fixes. Map nodes not being correctly processed when a map is in used. Child nodes being not being populated. Date formatting not being correctly applied when a map is in use. Minor refinements to calculation of text widths when *FITTEXT option used. 6CP0081 2010-12-15 CVTDBFXL fixes. Invalid .xlsx being generated when an empty worksheet is produced (because no records selected) because the print area was being set to include a non-existent row 1. Invalid .xlsx being generated when more than about 300 worksheets added to the workbook because an internal limit was being exceeded. This limit has now been removed. Fix to adding of worksheets to a .xls workbook that does not contain an EXTERNSHEET record. This was producing unreadable Excel. 6CP0080 2010-12-14 CVTDBFXL fixes. Sheet names inadvertently being truncated if they exceed 26 characters in length. Limit should be 31 (Excel's maximum). 6CP0079 2010-12-12 CVTDBFXML changes. Where namespace defined at element level, element was not being closed correctly. Where namespace defined at element level, namespace was not being handled correctly when generating stylesheets and schemas. 6CP0078 2010-12-11 CVTDBFXL changes: Fixes to setting of column widths for dates and column to which formatting is applied. Fix *FITTEXT method of handling column widths where the font size is different from the default. Modify "Freeze header rows" option to allow the specification of a number of rows to freeze. Fix to hiding of Excel colummns. 6CP0077 2010-12-09 Allow specificaiton of zero-width columns on CVTDBFXL ... COLWIDTHS() as a convenient means of hiding a column. Fix to specification of the last visible column when outputting to *XLSX format and unused columns are hidden and a map is in use. 6CP0076 2010-12-07 Change to handling of namespaces when XML is generated using CVTDBFXML with a map. Namespace and prefix can now be specified for each element in the map. Fixes to error handling when user is not authorized to add source member to default source file used for storing SQL statements when the input source for a database map is *SQL. Option to specify a different source file to store SQL statements when input source is *SQL (specified using environment variable SL_SQL_SRC_FILE). 6CP0075 2010-12-06 New buitin fonts. Fix variable length string error when running ADDDBFXLC with CONTENT(*IMAGE) IMGSRC(*PATH) IMGCOLUMN(*SELECT) 6CP0074 2010-12-03 Fix to setting of print area by CVTDBFXL. Not taking account of hidden columns at the right edge of the page. Remove PMTCTL from INCLFLDS, EXCLFLDS, SORT and QRYSLT parameters to allow them to be seen when FROMFILE does not specify a file name. Customers will need to ensure that the field names specified are those that are used in the output from a query, SQL etc. 6CP0073 2010-12-01 Fix to setting of print area by CVTDBFXL. One too many columns being included. Fix CPFA0A2 error when AUT(autl_name) is used and the authorization list name is longer than 5 characters. Fix to processing of <:EXITPGMPOSn:> variables when EXITPGM(*VAR) used. Office 2010 reporting file errors in some circumstances (not experienced with CoolSpools V6 but changes made for completeness sake). 6CP0072 2010-11-24 New OVRSTLDFN command allowing temporary style overrides to be created. Add PAGBRKS command to CVTDBFXL allowing the definition of hard page breaks. Modifications to definition of Database-to-Excel row groups to allow the selection of different row groups based on record contents. 2010-11-18 Add CVTDATES parameter to CVTXLDBF. This allow you to tell CVTXLDBF to output numeric cells that have date formatting applied to them as date values rather than numbers. You can specify a variety of date formats and separator options. Fix to image handling in Excel: duplicate copies of images were being included unnecessarily. 6CP0071 2010-11-13 Fixes to handling of images and LOBs in CTVDBFXL. Support generic path names on ATTACH parameter of SNDCMNMSG (e.g. ATTACH(('/my_dir/*.pdf')) 6CP0070 2010-11-04 Adjustment to the algorithm used to set column widths in CVTDBFXL when *AUTOFIT used, as columns were being set unnecessarily wide. Also, add new option *FITTEXT which sets the width of the column based on the on-screen width of the text (taking account of the font metrics). Note that the extra work required to calculate the on- screen width of the text casues some performance degradation when this option is used. The default for the column width options is now *ENVVAR, indicating that the setting of the CS_XLS_COLUMN_WIDTH environment variable will be used. If this environment variable does not exist, the value *AUTOFIT is used as the default, as before, but if you wish to use a different default such as *FIELDSIZE or *FITTEXT, you can do so by setting CS_XLS_COLUMN_WIDTH to this value. 6CP0069 2010-11-04 Add support for including images in Excel when running CVTDBFXL with EXCEL(*XLSX) specified. See new INCLFILE parameter. Also new *IMAGE option on APYSTYLES indicating that the contents of a field should be interpreted as the path to an image file or as an image file itself (in the case of a BLOB). 6CP0068 2010-11-01 Fix to CVTDBFSTMF which was giving a decimal data error whent he XLSPRINT parameter was used. 6CP0067 2010-10-27 Fix handling of sheet names containing apostrophes, ampersands and other special characters when converting to *XSLX. 6CP0066 2010-10-26 Fix bug introduced in 065 relating to validation of color codes/names for CVTDBFXL, CVTDBFHTML and CVTDBFXML. Fix setting of print area and "rows to repeat at top" where the sheet name contains embedded blanks and we're converting to *XLSX. Adjust logic for processing *AUTOFIT where a numeric format is specified on the style so this does not affect alphanumeric fields. Default for "Save in directory" element of the SAVE parameter of SNDCMNMSG is now *ENVVAR. This tells CoolSpools to check environment variable CS_EMAIL_SAV_DIR and use the value specified there, if it exists. If it does not exist, the default is *CURDIR (current directory) as before. 2010-10-24 If environment variable CS_MSG_LOG_SND_USER is set to *CURRENT, the user name logged in the SNDRUSER field of CM_MSGLOG is set to the current user profile, not the job user profile. 2010-10-24 Modify method of obtaining IPC key for Spool Admin semaphore operations as error CPE3525 can occur if file ST_SPLTRN grows larger than 2 Gb. 6CP0065 2010-10-22 Fix to setting of authorities on copied style definitions, report definitions, report maps, database maps and parameter sets. Modification to the logic for generating new data nodes when processing using a report or database map. Allow for use of <:variables:> before the first appearance of the data item in the output. 6CP0064 2010-10-21 Enable support for AES encryption on V5R3M0 systems with no 5722AC3 installed. 6CP0063 2010-10-20 Fix to generation of format string for numeric values in Excel spreadsheets created using a report map. Text-only row group not being output first time. Fix Excel file open error where zero rows output. 6CP0062 2010-10-18 SHTBEFORE and SHTAFTER parameters of ADDDBFXLR, ADDRPTXLR, CHGDBFXLR, CHGRPTXLR, CPYDBFXLR and CPYRPTXLR commands (added in 060) renamed BFRACTION and AFTACTION. SHTBEFORE(*NEW) is now BFRACTION(*NEWSHEET) SHTAFTER(*NEW) is now AFTACTION(*NEWSHEET) Options BFRACTION(*NEWPAGE) and AFTACTION(*NEWPAGE) added to allow starting a new row group with an Excel page break before it or ending a row group with an Excel page break after it. "Print header row on each page" option of XLSPRINT parameter of CVTDBFXL and CVTRPTXL renamed "Rows to repeat at top" in line with Excel itself. This option now allows specificaiton of a number of lines to be repeated at the top of each page when the worksheet is printed. The default is *NONE. There is also a special value *HEADER on CVTDBFXL which sets the number of rows to repeat to the number of header rows. There is a special value *FROZEN for CVTSPLXL which sets the number of rows to repeat to the number of frozen rows. The old values *YES and *NO are still supported and are now symnonyms for *HEADER/*FROZEN and *NONE. The print area is now automatically and explicitly set to the number of used rows and columns on each work sheet. 6CP0061 2010-10-15 Add extra options to SPLITKEY and SPLITPOS parameters: - ignore blank values when checking *PRV - *AND condition with following test Comparison strings specified on SPLITPOS and SPLITKEY also now support the use of the ˘˘PATTERN and ˘˘REGEX CoolSpools functions. Add (default) CVTSPLXL MAPNAME(*SELECT) and CVTSPLXML MAPNAME(*SELECT) options to select maps from a list. Message CVT0012 "Font id &1 cannot be implemented by a font mapping" no longer a warning unless environment variable CS_CVT0012_WARNING is *YES. 6CP0060 2010-10-14 Fix "Receiver value too small..." error that occurred in unusual circumstances for AFP spooled files (inline page segments and images precede the first page in the data stream). Option to produce diagnostics files. Option to start a new worksheet before or after a row group defined in a report-to-Excel map. CoolSpools variables can be used in the sheet name. Option to start a new worksheet before or after a row group defined in a database-to-Excel map. CoolSpools variables can be used in the sheet name. CoolSpools Spool Converter vriable names defined on EXITPGMPOS and EXITPGMKEY can now (optionally) be enclosed in variable markers <: ... :> CoolSpools Spool Converter now supports the use of variables in the form <:item_name:> or in various places, when a report definition is in use. CoolSpools Database now supports the use of variables in the form <:field_name:> or <:field_alias_name:> in various places, e.g. report titles. This is dependent on a valid record having been read from the file at the time the variable is referenced. Fix bug in CHGRPTITM prompt override program that was defaulting the section to SECTION(*NONE) rather than SECTION(*LINE). 6CP0059 2010-10-08 Fix error "ARI9004 Translation from CCSID xxx to CCSID 65535 not supported." on systems where QCCSID = 65535. Fix "Length of varying length variable is out of range" error when using multiple conditional formatting groups. Fix "Receiver variable too small..." error when processing an Excel font. Fix "length of start position out of range..." error when trying to report an unknown SQL error. New PDF merge API CS_PDFMRGR now the default when more than 2 files are specified on the MRGPDF command. This new API is intended to improve PDF merge performance when multiple (> 2) input files are specified. It is possible to revert to using the old API CS_MRGAPIR in all cases by setting environment variable CS_MRG_PDF_API to CS_MRGAPIR. It is possible to use the new API CS_PDFMRGR in all cases by setting environment variable CS_MRG_PDF_API to CS_PDFMRGR. 6CP0058 2010-10-06 Fix SAVSPLF error "Length of varying length variable is out of range." 6CP0057 2010-10-05 Option to use CoolSpools Spool Cnv variables as part of the constant text of an XML element or attribute. Variables can be defined on the OPTIONS() parameter e.g. OPTIONS((<:var_name:> var_value)) Fixes to CVTSPLXML processing 6CP0056 2010-10-05 Option to use CoolSpools Database variables as part of the constant text of an XML element or attribute. Variables can be defined on the OPTIONS() parameter e.g. OPTIONS((<:var_name:> var_value)) Improve the handling of QM Query variables when converting using a database map. These could previously cause SQL errors to occur. 6CP0055 2010-10-01 Option to set the value of an XML element or attribute to be a constant value instead of a field/column value. 6CP0053 2010-09-25 New CVTSPLPDF ... TOSTMF(*VIEW) and TOSTMF(*PRINT) options that use System i Access and the STRPCCMD command to display the PDF created in Adobe Reader or print it respectively. 6CP0052 2010-09-22 Add options to XLSPRINT parameter of CVTDBFXL to set the number of copies and print quality attributes. Missing logical file CS_RPTRUL2. 6CP0051 2010-09-20 Add *LINKLABEL key to OPTIONS() parameter of CVTDBFXL to allow the specification of a field to supply the link label text for a hyperlink. e.g. CVTDBFXL FROMFILE(QTEMP/LINKS) APYSTYLES((*FLDNAM HYPERLINK *HYPERLINK *HEADER *HEADER *HYPERLINK)) EXCLFLD((LABELTEXT)) OPTIONS((*LINKLABEL 'HYPERLINK:LABELTEXT')) 6CP0050 2010-09-17 CVT3001 error message "The value specified for field saEMT01Type in structure CS_EMT01 was . This is not one of the permitted values..." if default EMAILTO(*SELECT) option used on CVTSPLxxx command. 6CP0049 2010-09-17 Further fix to handling of /Resources inherited from parent /Pages object in MRGPDF (CS_MRGAPIR). Fix handling of embedded carriage returns in strings in CS_PDFMRGR. Replace STMFCCSID parameter of CPYTOSTMF with STMFCODPAG when capturing log files for LODFIX, APYFIX and INSTALL commands (STMFCCSID not valid before V6R1M0). Fix setting of default cell XF for empty cells when outputting to *XLSX format. Incorrect styling was being applied to unused cells. Incorrect generation of MULRK records when using a map with *XLS format output and an unused column position exists between cells containing RK numbers. This resulted in the contents of the next column being duplicated in what should have been an empty column. 6CP0048 2010-09-16 Fix pointer error when processing a JPEG file containing an APP1 segment which is not EXIF data on CVTSPLPDF ... INCLFILE(). Spurious SLP9025 "STMFOPT(... *NO) not available with TOFMT(*PDF)" message when CVTDBFXL ... STMFOPT(... *NO) specified. Fix validation of QIBM_NOTIFY_CRTSPLF when creating a spooled file monitor than specifies DTAQ(*ANY). Fix handling of messages returned by CRTSPLMON, CHGSPLMON and CPYSPLMON in WRKSPLMON. Include option parameters (OPTPARM) when retrieving script entries for an existing script in the Automatic Spooled File Processing wizard (CFGSPLMON) 6CP0047 2010-09-15 MRGPDF not correctly handling /Resources inherited by /Page objects from parent /Pages for files after the first. 6CP0046 2010-09-13 MRGPDF not correctly handling white space at the start of a string. BOOKMARK(*PAGNBR) producing bookmarks without the "Page " prefix text. 6CP0045 2010-09-07 Margins not being set correctly for HPT printers, resulting in overlay misalignment. 6CP0044 2010-09-06 DSPPRDINF showing incorrect licensing information for additional LPARs after the first. 6CP0042 2010-08-26 Default for CS_PDF_LIN_SHIFT should be *YES not *NO. The position of lines specified by AFP line drawing instructions was very slightly incorrect as a result. Tolerate use of \ for / on SNDCMNMSG MSGSTMF 6CP0041 2010-08-20 a) Fix margins when a spooled file is converted to PDF and COR or auto-rotation are in effect. b) Add F8=Select attachment option to CRTCMNMSG c) Add ATTACH(*SELECT) option to SNDCMNMSG d) Add option to convert fields to hyperlinks with CVTDBFXL. 6CP0040 2010-08-12 a) Adjust dimensions of a PCL raster image where the specified X dimension is not an exact number of bytes. This was causing a "form not found" error message when a PDF created from an *USERASCII spooled file was opened. b) Not handling sign indicator (+/-) on PCL instructions that set the horizontal or vertical cursor position in decipoints. Specified coordinates were being interpreted as absolute when they should have been relative. c) Handle JPEG images containing EXIF data. d) Fix issue with retrieval of user's home directory 2010-08-03 CVTSPLCSV truncating text when outputting to UTF-8. 6CP0040 2010-08-06 Add MRGSPLF command. 6CP0039 2010-08-05 Fix MCH3601 pointer error when using <:EXITPGMPOSn:> at: Program . . . CS_SRVPGM Module . . . CS_UTLFNCR Procedure . . UTLGETPARM Statement . . 446700 Add CHARSET parameter to SNDCMNMSG command to allow users to specify the character set encoding to be employed for the email. Default is UTF-8 but Windows or ISO character sets can be requested if required. 6CP0038 2010-07-22 Fix to issue with Excel files generated by Spool Converter when opened by Excel 2003. Excel 2003 (but not Excel 2000 or Excel 2007 or Excel 2010) was objecting to the way in which cell styles were being output. This has now been amended to satisfy Excel 2003's requirements. 2010-07-20 Fix handling of edit words where the the zero suppression character plus the replacement characters is one more than the source length, resulting in no zero suppression. This was previously generating an Excel format string which did not replicate the edit word correctly. 6CP0037 2010-07-14 Fix CMQ9034 "Invalid content type *ZIP" error when emailing an attachment inside a zip. 6CP0036 2010-07-13 Default for CS_TXT_LINE_METHOD is now *NEW. This means that if you wish to continue to use the old logic for calculating line numbers in spooled files, for reasons of backwards compatibility, you will need to set environment variable CS_TXT_LINE_METHOD to *OLD. This only applies to customers who installed CoolSpools V5 or earlier prior to PTF 5CV0028 (September 2005) and who use exit program parameters, bookmarks or splitting logic that relies on the specification of line numbers. 6CP0035 2010-07-07 Changes to the rules controlling whether automatic page rotation and/or Computer Output Reduction (COR) are performed on a spooled file with PAGRTT(*AUTO). COR can now be implemented even when the page width is less that or equal to the page length, where both page length and page width are greater than 8.5 inches. If the old rules are required, add environment variable CS_PAGRTT_COR_RULES with value *OLD. 6CP0034 2010-07-03 When the TOSTMF parameter contained / inside a CoolSpools function call e.g. ˘˘XLATE("/","-",<:EXITPGMPOS2:>) the / was being incorrectly identified as a directory separator and parsing of the path name produced incorrect results. Add ˘˘REPLACE funciton to replace one string with another. Fix rounding error on numbers in XLSX files created by CVTDBFXL. 6CP0033 2010-06-26 Update network details. 6CP0032 2010-06-18 ST_TRNRUL replaced by ST_TRNSTP. The PTF exit program will install a new physical file ST_TRNSTP which replaces physical file ST_TRNRUL. The contents of ST_TRNRUL will be copied to new file ST_TRNSTP. !!! N.B. If you are running a High Availability product such as MIMIX or Data Mirror, you may need to review your setup to ensure that ST_TRNSTP is replicated correctly. !!! New method of building fix packs to minimize the amount of data that needs to be downloaded. 6CP0031 2010-06-15 Correct logical file dependencies. Code signing. 6CP0030 2010-06-11 Fix bug in reading of OLE directory streams. 6CP0029 2010-06-10 Gather additional diagnostics for Excel build failure. 6CP0028 2010-06-09 "Divide by zero" error when processing PCL font file which contains a PCL data stream rather than just a font definition. 6CP0027 2010-06-07 Problem with ownershop of stream files included in PTF. 6CP0026 2010-06-07 Problem with ownership of stream files included in PTF. 6CP0025 2010-06-05 Fixes to digital signature function. 6CP0024 2010-06-04 Reinstate java files missing from previous. Add OPTIONS() parameter to CVTSPLxxx command to allow future expansion. Remove EMAILCFM and EMAILRPY commands and replace by new *CFM and *RPY options on EMAILTO parameter. Performance enhancements to MRGPDF command. 6CP0023 2010-05-14 Reinstate option to override column headings on INCLFLD parameter of CVTDBFSTMF command for reasons of backwards compatibility. More customers are using this feature than we had realized. In relation to the format-specific commands, CVTDBFXL, CVTDBFXML, CVTDBFHTML etc., the APYSTYLES parameter should be used instead. 6CP0022 2010-04-24 New features that had previously been made available only on CVTSPLXL are now also available from CVTSPLXLS. These include: - split to new worksheet - applying styles (note that CVTSPLXLS will not support the DFNSTYLES parameter and styles must be defined externally to the command string using CRTSTLDFN) - conditional formatting - control of column widths with COLWIDTHS parameter LINTYPES parameter has been extended to allow the definition of a line type name which can then be referenced on the APYSTYLES and CNDFMTGRP parameters to apply styling and conditional formatting to different line types. 6CP0021 2010-04-21 Fix attributes of program AR_FNCCTLR to avoid authority issues relating to registered functions. Fix issue with spurious blank page in PDF created from a PCL spooled file. The spooled file uses the PCL "Duplex page side selection" instruction in a spooled file which is not duplex. The PCL technical manual says this causes the current page to be jected, so a new page was being started, but this does not appear to be correct. Do not do a page throw in these circumstances if the first page is being processed and it is currently empty. 6CP0020 2010-04-19 Some objects missed from previous. 6CP0019 2010-04-13 Add support for parameter sets. 6CP0018 2010-03-26 Update two objects not included in previous. 6CP0017 2010-03-26 Replace BORDER parameter of CRTSTLDFN etc. commands with separate parameters for each border: TOPBDR, BOTTOMBDR, LEFTBDR and RIGHTBDR. This supports the setting of separate border styles, colors and (for HTML/XML) thicknesses for each of the top, bottom, left and right borders of a cell. This feature is only available through the use of user- defined, named styles created using CRTSTLDFN, and will not be supported on the DFNSTYLES parameter of CVTSPLXL, CVTDBFXL, CVTSPLXML or CVTDBFXML. Support the use of currency symbols and negative styling with the *GENERAL number format. Form type not being displayed by WRKSPLFPDM. FORMTYPE and USRDTA parameters of WRKSPLFPDM RUNSPLFCMD, CRTSPLRUL. CHGSPLRUL and CPYSPLRUL revert to mono case. This means that to select lower-case values, quotes must be coded around the parameter value, e.g. FORMTYPE(invoice) will select form type "INVOICE" but not "invoice", which would need to be specified as FORMTYPE('invoice'). This is intended to bring the commands into line with IBM's CHGSPLFA, CRTPRTF etc. 6CP0016 2010-03-22 CVTDBFSTMF/CVTDBFXL not setting print options correctly where XLSPRINT(*NO...) specified. Fix pointer error that occurred if an non-existent field was referenced on the APYSTYLES parameter. Fix "invalid value for MSGID" error that occurred when using the .EXE install program to install a product option other than *BASE or All options individually. Capture additional logging infrmaiton during the installation process. 6CP0015 2010-03-19 CVTDBFSTMF not setting columns widths correctly where was converted entirely to blank (null) cells because the corresponding database field was all blanks/nulls. When printing an Excel spreadsheet from versions of Excel prior to Excel 2007, n extra column was appearing because the last column field in ROW records was being set incorrectly (column numbers are counted from zero). Add option to control the appearance of zero balances to DFNSTYLES parameter and CRTSTLDFN etc for compatibility with edit codes. Adjust calculation of column widths. Allow an additional 2 characters for numeric and date columns beyond that which sould be strictly necessary to handle the fact that Excel appears to miscalculate column widths when printing. For example, a 10-digit number in a column set to a width of 10 (or even 11) characters appears as ########## when printed. 6CP0014 2010-03-17 CVTDBFSTMF not setting print options correctly. Minor adjustments to calculation of columns widths where *AUTOFIT selected. Below 10 characters, the width of a W is used. Above 50 characters, the width of a 9 is used. In between, the width is based on a sliding scale between the two. Fix pointer error when running IMPADMDTA. 6CP0013 2010-03-15 Fix to handling of output from CVTDBFSTMF and CVTDBFXL commands when FROMFILE(*QRYDFN) used. Add new output option *MIXED which produces a simple output file containing both detail and summary records. This is an alternative output style to the *COMBINED output form which produces a more complex output file containing summary-level text from the query. 6CP0012 2010-03-11 Update APYFIX to check for locks on base menu. Update PTF exit programs to ensure all database files have contents preserved. Fix CS_RPTLIN database relationships. Fix default for column width when EXCEL parameter not specified. Fix RTF issue related to 5CV0220. Where an underscore is followed by numeric text data, an invalid RTF data stream was being generated, causing text to disappear. Ensure that a space is output between the end of the RTF code and the following text. 6CP0011 2010-03-10 Fix "Duplicate variable name" error when validating EXITPGMPOS and/or EXITPGMKEY parameters. Fix formatting of CVTDBFSTMF/CVTDBFXL headings derived from query heading text. Improve calculation of Excel column widths. Don't apply default edit code to date fields. Change command defaults: 1) CVTDBFSTMF QRYDFN output form is *RUNOPT (for compatibility with V4 of Slipstream). CVTDBFxxx QRYDFN output form is *COMBINED (for improved output formatting). 2) Default option for column width now *AUTOFIT as this gives better results on the whole than *FIELDSIZE. Fix signature violation on some programs e.g. WRKSPLFPDM abnd CVTSPLTXT. 6CP0010 2010-03-05 Fix to decimal data error when emailing using CVTDBFSTMF. Fix to array index error when using CVTDBFSTMF or CVTDBFXL to convert a Query with subtotalling to Excel. Modifications to product packaging to address issues with installing on systems where the primary language is not English. 6CP0009 2010-03-02 Fix to DSPSPLTXT. Install procedure changes. 6CP0008 2010-02-26 Modifications to usage tips. Show usage tips for CoolSpools Database. Add options to PRTSTMF command to allow PJL initialization and reset commands to be sent to the printer. 6CP0006 2010-02-20 A. New features: 1. CVTXLDBF can now extract the latest calculated value of cells containing formulas from Excel 97-2003 workbooks as well as Excel 2007 workbooks. Improvements have also been made to the TOFILE(*FROMSTMF) and TOMBR(*FROMSTMF) options to ensure that a valid OS/400 file or member name is generated. Characters invalid in an OS/400 object name are now converted to underscores, except at the beginning of the name, where they are converted to hash symbols (#). 2. DSPPRDINF command (option 6 from Base Menu) now displays details of licensing and support and maintenance contracts, as well as the code and PTF levels. 3. New email option *EMBMSG added to SNDCMNMSG, CVTSPLTXT and CVTSPLHTML commands. This is intended to overcome (or at least provide a workaround for) the known issue with Outlook, which does not properly implement the MIME "Content-disposition: inline" instruction and displays files as attachments when the *EMBED option has been used. *EMBMSG works by combining the file contents with the text of any associated message (MSG, EMAILMSG parameters) to create a single, merged message text. 4. Help text added to several commands, notably those relating to report definitions, report lines, report items and report sections. Also on screen help is now available within the "Design Report Definition" function. B. Fixes: 1. PTF files are now owned by QDFTOWN not ARIADNE. LODFIX now handles ownership issues better. Ownership problems were causing LODFIX to fail. 2. A problem in the install process was identified which was causing registered functions not to be registered correctly. The install process was trying to use the product message file before it had been installed. The workaround where registered function problems are occurring because of this is to reinitialize them by running: ADDLIBLE COOLSPV6R1 CALL COOLSPV6R1/CP_INZFNCR 6CP0005 2010-02-02 A. New features: 1. New Automatic Spooled File Processing wizard (CFGSPLMON command) to simplify the setting up of automatic spooled file processing. 2. Ability to specify user-defined names for variables defined on the EXITPGMPOS and EXITPGMKEY parameters of CVTSPL... commands that can then be referenced as CoolSpools variables of the form <:user_var_name:> 3. New methods of specifying the email addresses to be used when sending emails from CoolSpools Spool Converter: a) EMAILTO(*EMAILFILE) and new EMAILFILE parameter allow the specification of a file and associated keys. Email addresses are read from the file at run time. Works with CoolSpools variables to allow the selection of different email addresses for different sections of the spooled file. b) EMAILTO(*EMAILSQL) and new EMAILSQL parameter allow the specification of an SQL statement. Email addresses are retrieved by executing the SQL statement at run time. Works with CoolSpools variables to allow the selection of different email addresses for different sections of the spooled file. c) EMAILTO(*USRDFNDTA) allow the use of the spooled file user-defined data attribute to store one or more email addresses to be used. B. Fix handling of Code 128 barcodes where the height is the special value x'FFFF'. C. Fix to handling of DDS AFPRSC keyword used with *SIZE option. D. Fix spurious CVT5340 where INCLFILE used with a PCL spooled file. 6CP0004 2010-01-29 Add support for new environment variable CS_AFP_OVL_RTT controlling whether overlay rotations are ignored or not. Host Print Transform and many AFP printers do not support overlay rotations. Where a customer has an application that specifies an overlay rotation, which CoolSpools by default implements, but the customer's printer does not handle overlay rotations, the results CoolSpools produces may not be what the customer expects. Overlay rotations are now ignored unless implemented unless CS_AFP_OVL_RTT = *YES. 2010-01-12 Address further issue with misalignment of overlays on spooled file with PAGRTT(90) and DUPLEX(*YES) where the front page is not rotated and the back page is rotated. Apply margin adjustments on rotated page only. At present this only happens if environment variable CS_APY_PAG_RTT_MGN is *YES. 2010-01-11 Address issue with misalignment on overlay on a rotated page caused when CVTSPLPDF ... PRTDEV(*SYSVAL) is used on a system where the QPRTDEV system value is not set to the name of an actual printer device. Consequently margin settings were not being properly established. Default margins to a common set of values. 6CP0003 2009-01-29 Test PTF. 6CP0003 2009-01-08 Test PTF. 6CP0002 2009-01-05 Test PTF. 6CP0001 2009-12-31 Test PTF.