*********************************************************************** *** W A R N I N G *** *********************************************************************** This PTF is cumulative and includes ALL of the changes described below. You should review the description of all changes since the last PTF you applied and consider their effects in your particular environment before deciding to apply this PTF. See http://www.ariadnesoftware.co.uk/CoolSpoolsPTF.htm for details of the conditions under which you apply PTFs, the procedure to follow and the precautions we advise. *********************************************************************** *** D I S C L A I M E R *** *********************************************************************** You apply this PTF at your own risk. In accordance with your software license agreement, in no event shall the Licensor be liable to you for any damages, including loss of business, loss of opportunity, loss of data, loss of profits or for any other indirect or consequential loss or damage whatsoever arising out of the use of or inability to use the Software, or resulting from any action implied, suggested, recommended or advised by the Licensor or one of its representatives or distributors, even if the Licensor has been made aware of the possibility of such damage. While every effort has been made to ensure that this PTF will have the effect described below and no other detrimental effect, this cannot be guaranteed and you are encouraged wherever possible to re-test your systemss after this PTF has been applied and before running the Software live again. PTFs should be applied *TEMP initially so they can be removed with RMVPTF should unwanted side-effects occur. We recommend you do a SAVLICPGM of each installed option of licensed program 7COOLSP and a SAVLIB of library COOLSPV7R1 before applying PTFs in order to allow a recovery option in the event of corruption or failure. If PTFs are installed using the utilities provided (RTVFIX, LODFIX, APYFIX commands), these precautions are taken automatically. *********************************************************************** 7COOLSP CoolSpools V7R1M0 PTF/FIX #: 7CP00079 LICENSED PROGRAM: 7COOLSP - CoolSpools V7R1M0 ------------------------------------------------------ : SYSTEM : RELEASE : LEVEL : RECOMPILE : LIBRARY : : : : MIN/MAX : : : : : : : : : : 7COOLSP : V7R1M0 : 00/00 : N :COOLSPV7R1: ------------------------------------------------------ PRE/CO-REQUISITE PTF/FIX LIST ----------------------------- REQ LICENSED PTF/FIX LEVEL TYPE PROGRAM REL NUMBER MIN/MAX OPTION ---- -------- --- ------- ------- ------ NONE - PTF IS CUMULATIVE AND INCLUDES ALL PREVIOUS FIXES DESCRIPTION OF CHANGES : ---------------------- ========================================================================== FIX PACK DATE DESCRIPTION OF CHANGES ========================================================================== 7CP0077 2025-02-21 CVTDBFCSV to include a leading zero before the decimal point for numerics with a decimal value smaller than one when Environment Variable SL_DEC_LEAD_ZERO = '*YES' ------------------------------------------------------- FTPPUT to support delivery of files larger than 1GB in size when Environment Variable AR_LARGE_FILE = *YES ========================================================================== 7CP0078 2024-10-23 *********** NEW APPLICATION FUNCTIONALITY ************* ------------------------------------------------------- CoolSpools SMTP now supports OAUTH 2.0 authentication with the Microsoft 365 Mail Server. New parameters added to CFGSMTPSVR to allow entry of relevant IDs from Microsoft Entra ID (Azure). See the coolspools.com website for details of the Microsoft steps required. ------------------------------------------------------- New Command FTPDIR populates an IBM i database table with a listing of files found on a remote FTP server. This can be used in conjunction with the existing FTPGET and FTPDLT commands to automate the processing of files found at a remote network location. See example source: COOLSPV7R1/CS_SRCFILE(FTPEXAMPLE) ------------------------------------------------------- *USERASCII spool files with PJL LANG = PDF are not allowed with CVTSPLPDF. To over ride set environment variable CS_ALLOW_PJL_WITH_PDF to '1' ------------------------------------------------------- Fix subscript out of range error when converting DBCS. ========================================================================== 7CP0077 2024-06-07 CHKJVAENV command enhanced to include Server and Job information (CCSID and Locale) and values of additional Environment Variables. ------------------------------------------------------- DSPEMLINF command enhanced to support SMTP port numbers greater than two digits long. ------------------------------------------------------- CoolSpools FTP fix - was incorrectly reporting delivery failures when SFTP was used and non-critical user space warning message CPC2206 was encountered. To activate set environment variable CP_SFTP_STATUS_ERROR to '*ON'. ------------------------------------------------------- CoolSpools User Guides updated to include new commands and recent application enhancements. ========================================================================== 7CP0076 2024-02-09 Email menu options 43 and 44 will now present the user with a confirmation screen before changing the email delivery mechanism between CoolSpools SMTP and IBM MSF. ------------------------------------------------------- Stop IMPXMLDBF from truncating text over fifty chars when it contains one or more single-quote characters. ========================================================================== 7CP0075 2023-11-24 IMPXMLDBF handling of repeated elements with the same name at the same level within the XML structure now based on the Environment Variable SL_XML_RPT_ELEMENT: *FIRST use first data value only *LAST use last data value only *CONCAT concatenate data values *CONCATB concatenate data values with blank separator *CONCATn concatenate data values with n as separator ------------------------------------------------------- Help text relating to Parameter Sets updated to indicate the IBM i OS limitation that prevents their use when executing CoolSpools commands with a qualified library name (e.g. COOLSPV7R1/CVTSPLPDF). ========================================================================== 7CP0074 2023-11-03 CVTDBFnnn commands will no longer deliver an empty file over FTP when the "Create Empty File" parameter is set to *NO. Requires setting of an Environment Variable SL_FTP_EMPTY_FILE = 'N' ------------------------------------------------------- Installation guide embedded with installer updated to use correct filename CP_V7R1INS in place of CP_INSTALL. ========================================================================== 7CP0073 2023-06-16 Command IMPCSVDBF to handle rows with a variable number of columns, treated as error unless *MAPDROP specified. ------------------------------------------------------- EMAILTO(*SELECT) to bypass initial screen and display the F8 Select screen when Env Var CS_BYPASS_SLT = *YES ========================================================================== 7CP0072 2023-03-16 Ensure that XML-Database mapping configuration is preserved when installing a CoolSpools fix pack. ========================================================================== 7CP0071 2023-02-17 IMPXLDBF warning message SLP8522 (Batch row mismatch) caused a program crash with a program dump. ------------------------------------------------------- IMPXMLDBF truncated data values to 50 characters. The maximum field length extended to 2048 characters. ========================================================================== 7CP0070 2022-08-26 Allow PRTSTMF to operate in a job where the current user has been changed (e.g. by API QWTSETP) ------------------------------------------------------- WRKADRL screen no longer issues an error when system contains 10,000 address lists or more. ========================================================================== 7CP0069 2022-06-06 Email module to convert Silcrow character § to @ within email addresses to allow for Italian code page when environment variable CM_CONVERT_SILCROW_TO_AT = *YES ------------------------------------------------------- CVTCSVDBF and CVTFXDDBF commands to issue trappable error SLP5533 at end of processing if any errors were encountered that prevented import of a data row with ERRACT(*FILE|*CONTINUE) unless OPTIONS(*NOMSG) specified ========================================================================== 7CP0068 2022-05-27 CoolSpools licensing updated to support IBM issued VSN (Virtual Serial Number) in place of physical server serial number and LPAR partition number. ------------------------------------------------------- Software Agreement text displayed within CoolSpools Green Screen and Windows installer updated to reflect existence of VSN and to clarify payment terms. ------------------------------------------------------- Prevent CVTSPLDBF from ending in error when spoolfile *SELECT used with map definition *SPLF. ========================================================================== 7CP0067 2022-04-19 When using a PDF Form in a spoolfile conversion to PDF allow the form to be applied to all pages rather than just the first page of the generated PDF document by setting environment variable CS_PDF_FORM_PAGE = *ALL ========================================================================== 7CP0066 2022-02-22 Ensure that no objects in fix packs are owned by user ARIADNE, preventing LODFIX failures from occurring when that user does not exist on the customer's server. ------------------------------------------------------- XML_to_DBF. Correct truncation of XML structure path length in several programs. ------------------------------------------------------- XML_to_DBF. Fix issue when XML attribute exists for the first element in the XML structure. ------------------------------------------------------- XML_to_DBF import. Fix program crash occurring when XML steam file CCSID is not 1208 (UTF-8) and the file contents includes a UTF-8 BOM (byte order mark). CoolSpools can now attempt to correct the stream file CCSID if environment variable SL_XML_FIX_CCSID is set to 1. ========================================================================== 7CP0065 2022-01-07 CVTSPLPDF Allow use of <:VAR:> variables in INCLFILE() key string if environment variable CS_INCLFILE_KEY_VAR is set to *YES. --------------------------------------------- Allow use of "section sign" symbol § as an alternative to the "at" symbol @ in email addresses. To disable use of alternative symbols à and § set environment variable CM_ALLOW_A_GRAVE_FOR_AT to *NO. --------------------------------------------- CVTCSVDBF and CVTFXDDBF parameter defaults changed from CREATE(*YES) to CREATE(*NO) as it is expected that most imports from a plain text file will be to an existing database table. ========================================================================== 7CP0064 2021-12-03 *********** NEW APPLICATION FUNCTIONALITY ************* --------------------------------------------- Import from text file to IBM i Database table --------------------------------------------- IMPCSVDBF - Import data from a delimited text file (such as CSV, tab or pipe delimited) to a database table. IMPFXDDBF - Import data from a fixed position plain text file to a database table. ========================================================================== 7CP0063 2021-11-19 BLDXMLDBF completion message incorrectly displayed when called from the menu. ------------------------------------------------------- Correct an issue in CVTSPLXLS that was causing an error when using multiple conditional formatting groups and rules. ========================================================================== 7CP0062 2021-10-12 Additional WRKXMLDBF objects to support mapping of XML attributes. ========================================================================== 7CP0061 2021-09-03 *********** NEW APPLICATION FUNCTIONALITY ************* ---------------------------------------- Import from XML to IBM i Database tables ---------------------------------------- BLDXMLDBF - Create an XML-to-Databse map based on the structure of an existing XML document. WRKXMLDBF - Work with an XML-to-Database map and specify the files/fields to be populated from XML data. IMPXMLDBF - Parse an XML document and populate IBM i database tables using an XML-to-Database map. These commands can accessed from menu XMLDBF, also avaiable as Option 23 on the CoolSpools DATABASE menu. ========================================================================== 7CP0060 2021-08-26 Prevent WRKSMTPMSG program error from occurring when an invalid five digit time is entered in the "Position To" Date/Time. ------------------------------------------------------- Correct an issue in RSTDBFXML and RSTDBFXL commands that prevented restore of database maps using *SQL as the source of data for conversion. ------------------------------------------------------- CVTDBFXL using STMFOPT(*ADD) with images included using INCLFILE() was resulting in Excel reporting corruption. ------------------------------------------------------- CVTDBFXL conditional formatting functions *BETWEEN and *NOTBETWEEN were causing Excel to report corruption. ------------------------------------------------------- Emails sent to a large number of recipients (e.g. by using an address list) could result in the list of recipients in the message header being incorrectly truncated. This was not preventing outbound delivery of email, but the recipient mail client would only display a subset of the TO or CC addresses, and mail could be rejected by the recipient mail server. To activate the new code set Environment Variable CM_SPLIT_MIME = '*YES' ========================================================================== 7CP0059 2021-07-05 Fix to handling of single precision floating data when converting with CVTDBFXL or CVTDBFXML using a *MAP and a data source of *SQL or *SQLSRC. To enable new logic set Environment Variable SL_QRY_METHOD = 'SQL' ========================================================================== 7CP0058 2021-05-21 Enhancement to the email module allows multipart MIME messages with inline CID images to be rendered by the Apple Mail client. The new email structure requires Environment Variable CM_CID_MIME_RELATED = '*YES' ========================================================================== 7CP0057 2021-04-26 Exit program processing using *STMFSTR position was failing to populate variables under some circumstances. ========================================================================== 7CP0056 2021-03-09 New FTP Commands Introduced to Application: - FTPGET retrieve a file from remote system using FTP. - FTPDLT delete a fle from remote system using FTP. ------------------------------------------------------- When converting from a spooled file to Excel using a report definition, map and CVTSPLXL, trim leading blanks from text cells by setting environment variable CS_XL_LTRIM_TEXT to '*YES'. ------------------------------------------------------- When applying styles with all borders set to *NONE using conditional formatting, do not override the border settings of neighboring cells when environment variable CS_FORCE_DXF_BORDER is set to '*YES'. ========================================================================== 7CP0055 2021-02-08 DBCS Spool files incorporating APW grids, did not generate the outer verticle lines correctly when the outer and inner lines were different styles. Fix conditioned on Environment Variable CS_APW_LINE_FIX = '1'. ------------------------------------------------------- Commands LODFIX, SAVSUPKEY and DSPPRDINF to support logical partition (LPAR) numbers greater than 127. ========================================================================== 7CP0054 2020-12-15 Allow for presence of large integer values as internal PDF attributes when running MRGPDF. ------------------------------------------------------- Commands CVTDBFCSV, CVTDBFTXT, CVTDBFXL, CVTDBFXLSX, CVTDBFXML and CVTDBFHTML all updated to better handle *HMS time values stored in numeric or character fields. ========================================================================== 7CP0053 2020-11-13 Alternative handling of bitmap fonts with prevention of of CPI scaling if CS_PDF_PCL_BITMAP_FONT_METHOD='2' ========================================================================== 7CP0052 2020-11-05 Correct CVTDBFXL handling of images embedded into multiple spreadsheet tabs when using STMFOPT(*ADD) ========================================================================== 7CP0051 2020-10-22 CVTSPLPDF handling of PCL can be set to align spoolfile and print rotation (conditioned on Environment Variable CS_PCL_ALIGN_ROTATE = *YES). ========================================================================== 7CP0050 2020-09-25 STMFOPT(*RPLXLSSHT) was not correctly handling existing charts/drawings in those sheets *not* being replaced, resulting in MS Excel corruption being reported. ------------------------------------------------------- CVTSPLPDF handling of PCL temporary soft fonts such as MICR improved (conditioned on Environment Variable CS_PCL_LPT_TEMPFONT = *YES). ========================================================================== 7CP0049 2020-09-17 New command GETSPLDTA allowing retrieval of spooled file content into a CL program variable. ------------------------------------------------------- New CVTSPLnnn parameter options PAGE(*FIRST|*LAST) with *POS or *KEY exit program variables. ========================================================================== 7CP0048 2020-08-31 CVTDBFXLSX will not open when created on a system with Japan/DBCS CCSID. The change can be activated by adding the environment variable SL_DBFXLSR_DBCS = '1' ========================================================================== 7CP0047 2020-08-21 STMFOPT(*RPLXLSSHT) was resulting in recent releases of MS Excel reporting corruption. The change to correct this is conditioned on a new environment variable CS_XLS_INTERNALS (Accepts values 2006, 2016, *LATEST) ========================================================================== 7CP0046 2020-06-03 CVTSPLPDF encountered issue with InterForm generated PCL spoolfiles containing a compound PCL instruction to End Macro definition and Run the Macro concurrently. ========================================================================== 7CP0045 2020-05-26 CVTSPLXLS fails when COLUMNOPT(*CALC) is specified but the spool file does not include any data lines (only page and column headings). NOTE: The excel column headings will be created as a line of text so may not align correctly. ========================================================================== 7CP0044 2020-03-06 Correct intermittent rounding error using IMPXLDBF. Correct handling of VARCHAR fields in the new element option NEWELMOPT() of a database to XML *MAP element. ========================================================================== 7CP0043 2020-01-30 Include the Remote server Name/IP address for information/support purposes. Add environment variable CP_FTP_SHOW_RMT_SYS with value of '1' to activate the change. ========================================================================== 7CP0042 2019-12-31 Correct intermittent CVTSPLPDF failure when converting Arabic true type fonts. ========================================================================== 7CP0041 2019-09-10 Correct population of XLSX cell by CVTDBFXL when source is a database column of type CLOB containing an empty string. ------------------------------------------------------- DLTFIX did not delete allCoolSpools fix related files. ------------------------------------------------------- When OPTIONS((*CRTDIR *YES)) and STMFOPT(*UNIQUE) and TOSTMF includes CoolSpools variable/s error CPE3025 'No such path/directory exists' returned. ========================================================================== 7CP0040 2019-08-22 When the Secure connection set parameter is set to ith *SFTP with a a non-standard Port number, the port is not opened correctly. ========================================================================== 7CP0039 2019-07-23 SAVSPLF target release parameter updated to include latest O/S releases. ------------------------------------------------------- CHKXML enhancement to report of ALL schema errors identified in an XML file, not just the first. ------------------------------------------------------- IMPXLDBF failed if CRT(*NO) and TOFILE(QTEMP/...) used. ========================================================================== 7CP0038 2019-03-27 Enhancements to CHKJVAENV and DSPEMLINF commands, for improved support and troubleshooting capabilities. ========================================================================== 7CP0037 2019-03-18 CHKJVAENV new command to generate report of current Java configuration, to assist with investigation of Java related system issues. ------------------------------------------------------ Previous fix to CVTDBFXLSX for half adjusting did not handle zero decimal palces correctly. ========================================================================== 7CP0036 2019-03-04 CVTDBFXLSX not correctly half adjusting some numeric values. To enable this add the environment variable SL_XLSX_HALF_ADJ with a value of '1'. ========================================================================== 7CP0035 2019-02-18 MRGPDF was failing to handle PDF documents created with an empty Options tag (e.g. by IBM afp2pdf). This is now handled correctly by the command. ========================================================================== 7CP0034 2019-01-31 Emails created by CoolSpools can occasionally be identified as spam due to the structure of the message id. The iSeries/Host file dropped from the message id. To enable this add the environment variable CM_MESSAGE_ID_FORMAT with a value of '2'. ========================================================================== 7CP0033 2019-01-30 Previous LCKXLS fix to handle special characters now extended to include multiple regional character sets ========================================================================== 7CP0032 2019-01-28 LCKXLS was failing to handle passwords containing some special characters (dollar and double-quote) ========================================================================== 7CP0031 2019-01-23 CVTSPLSPLF splitting was failing when change of page coincided with boundry of API input buffer. ------------------------------------------------------ DSPEMLINF new command to assist with investigation of email setup issues by displaying relevant configuration settings within a single screen. ========================================================================== 7CP0030 2018-10-10 LCKXLS command now supports encrypted password values. An additional parameter allows you to specify whether the password has been encrypted (e.g. using DSPENCPWD). ------------------------------------------------------ CHKXML command now presents error information in an improved format where an issue has been identified within the structure of the supplied XSD schema. ------------------------------------------------------ Positioning of datamatrix bar code incorrect in PDF. ------------------------------------------------------ Color of text was not always correct when the spool file was created by Formtastic. To enable the new functionality add the environment variable CS_PDF_COLORSPACE with a value of '1'. ========================================================================== 7CP0029 2018-10-02 NEW APPLICATION COMMANDS ****************************** LCKXLS lock an Excel Spreadsheet. This new function runs natively on the IBM i applies password protection to an Excel spreadsheet. This password protection controls access to the entire document (rather than write-protecting specific worksheets or cells). Documents with a file extension of .xls and .xlsx are both supported. WARNING: Once a spreadsheet is password protected, it will not be possible to open that spreadsheet unless the password is known. This functionality is used at the user's own risk - CoolSpools support will be unable to assist should a spreadsheet be rendered inaccessible due to a forgotten or misplaced password. ------------------------------------------------------ FTPPUT copy a file to a remote system using FTP. ========================================================================== 7CP0028 2018-08-15 CVTDBFXLSX OPTION(*ADD) with RPTBRK and RPTSMRY defined if SQL returned no rows an error returned by the Java. ========================================================================== 7CP0027 2018-06-27 CFGSPLMON Spool Admin wizard will now populate rule with name of monitored OUTQ if it is only one monitored ------------------------------------------------------ CVTDBFXLSX improved support for Japan/DBCS CCSID where Katakana chars conflict with lower-case Latin chars. Conditioned on Env Var SL_DBFXLSR_DBCS = '1' ========================================================================== 7CP0026 2018-06-05 CVTDBFXLSX invalid value in STMFOPT parameter returned incorrect error message, and formatting of merged cells was being incorrectly reported as file corruption following a recent MS Excel update. ========================================================================== 7CP0025 2018-05-08 Editing an address list entry with a very long email address caused an error. ========================================================================== 7CP0024 2018-04-13 CHKXML Enhancement to cater for variations in Java version installed on server. ========================================================================== 7CP0023 2018-03-22 NEW APPLICATION COMMAND ******************************* CHKXML allows validation of XML files against an XSD schema. This new function runs natively on the IBM i platform and validates XML files generated using CoolSpools database conversion commands, or other XML files generated outside of CoolSpools. ------------------------------------------------------ ARI9239 Intermittent "Memory pool is deleted" error. ========================================================================== 7CP0022 2018-01-15 Copying a DBF-XML map failed with SLP9916 error. ------------------------------------------------------ IMPXLDBF Output any additional error information when the JVM fails to start. ========================================================================== 7CP0021 2017-09-08 CHGDBFXL NEWGRPOPT parameter incorrectly set the Relationship element. *AND was output inplace of *OR. This also affected the RTVDBFXL command. ------------------------------------------------------ CVTDBFXL Formatting of merged cells in XLSX when using database MAP now corrected so that style of first cell is also applied to the remainder of the merged cells. ========================================================================== 7CP0020 2017-05-30 SNDCMNMSG specifying attachments with a generic file path to a windows server (using QNTC) failed to return any files. ------------------------------------------------------ Fixed pointer error when retrieving Locale. ------------------------------------------------------ ENHANCEMENT. When using CVTXLDBF to import long string fields, there is a maximum length of 1024 characters. The command can now import strings longer than 1024. To enable the new functionality add the environment variable SL_CVTXLDBF_LONG_STRINGS with a value of '1'. The layout of the standard import file has not changed. The record for Data Type 'A' is created for the first 1024 characters (as at present). A new record of Data Type 'C' (contiuation) is createed for each 1024 characters of the remaining characters. Note: When using this new functionality, the column number (COLUMNNBR) is increased by 100 so column 2 will be represented as column 200. The column number of the contintation records will the column number of the the first 1024 characters +1 for each record. For example, a string of 3000 char would result in the following records being created COLUMNNBR DATATYPE TEXT 200 A First 1024 characters 201 C characters 1025 to 2048 202 C characters 2049 to 3000 ======================================================================= 7CP0019 2017-03-30 CVTDBFXLSX STMFOPT(*ADD) wth RPTBRKS and RPTSMRY parameters specified returns Worksheet not found error message from the the Java function. ========================================================================== 7CP0018 2017-03-16 CVTDBFXL Auto-filter positioned on the wrong line when HEADER text lines included. This resulted in Header text and column headings being included in the filter. Filters now positioned correctly on the Column Heading row. ========================================================================== 7CP0017 2017-02-27 CVTDBFXL error when more than 22 conditional formats specified. ========================================================================== 7CP0016 2017-01-05 HPGL2 Relative Rectangles and Edge Relative Rectangles not positioning object correctly on the page. ------------------------------------------------------ Fix 'Length of varying length variable is out of range' error when more than 111 APYSTYLE parameters specified on a CVTDBFXLSX command. NOTE: The APYSTYL parameter allows 300 entries but when using query, SQL or SQLSRC to extract the data from a database file, due to O/S restrictions, the maximum number of columns allowed is 255. NOTE: This fix as not been applied to CoolSpools V6 due to the data structure size limitations of O/S V5R3. ========================================================================== 7CP0015 2016-08-31 Enable the 'default' ZIP compression level used by the CVT* commands to be configurable. The required compression level should be assigned to the environment variable AR_ZIP_DFT_COMPRESSION. The valid values are the same as those allowed for the CPRLVL parameter of the ZIPDTA command. These are *DFT, *FASTEST, *BEST, *NONE or 0-9. See the help text for ZIPDTA for more information. If the environment variable does not exist or the value is not valid, the current default of 6 will continue to be used. ------------------------------------------------------ CVTDBFSTMF reporting an APYSTYLES parameter error which is not applicable to the command. The command was deprecated and no longer supported with the reelease of CoolSpools V6 (in 2010). Fixed to ensure continuity. ========================================================================== 7CP0014 2016-08-16 CoolSpools SMTP server with TLS (Transport Layer Security) actiavted did not communicate correctly with the Email server. To activate the fix set environment variable CM_STARTTLS_EHLO to *YES ======================================================================= 7CP0013 2016-07-27 When over 200 *PAGSEGs included in a spool file CVTSPLPDF failed with error MCH0603 (Range of subscript value or character string error.). The number of spool resources handled increased to 5000. ------------------------------------------------------ Some attachments were being corrupted when emailed. The new signature functionality as been temporarily withdrawn because this was found to be the cause of the issue. ------------------------------------------------------ If an attachment is to be sent to multiple recipients with the 'Send multiple mnessages' element of EMAILOPT parameter set to *YES only the first email includes the attachement. ========================================================================== 7CP0012 2016-04-17 Further amendments to CVTDBFXL in relation to fix 11. ========================================================================== 7CP0011 2016-04-14 WRKSPLFPDM incorrectly sustituting &X (file extension) when converting to Excel. For example: Files created with the extension xyz.*XLSX ------------------------------------------------------ When using CVTDBFXL to creeate XLSX, decimal numbers incorrectly rounded on O/S v7r2. This is possibly due to how floating point numbers are now handled. (see IBM 7.2 Memo to users) To continue using the previous method set ENVVAR SL_XLSX_NUM_CONV = *OLD ========================================================================== 7CP0010 2016-01-19 When using CVTDBFXL... STMFOPT(*ADD)... TOSTMF(*FTP) returns CPE3025 No such path or directory. ---------------------------------------------------- When using CVTDBFXL... STMFOPT(*RPLXLSSHT)... TOSTMF(*FTP) returns SLP9070 File not found error. Program checking the IFS not the remote file path. NOTE: If the file is not found at the remote file path, the file is created and a warning message SLP9997 'file converted but warnings were issued. See job log' output. ---------------------------------------------------- Including a digital signature on a PDF CVTSPLPDF... SIGNATURE(*YES... failed with RNX0301 'Java exception received when calling Java method.' ---------------------------------------------------- When using CVTXLSDBF to import a file containing numbers with a comma as the decimal point the digits after the decimal point can be dropped. This was due a Locale sensitive C API being used to convert the values. An alternative means of converting numbers is now available. To use this method add the environment variabble SL_DBFXLS_NUM_IMPORT = *NEW ======================================================================= 7CP0009 2015-10-08 SNDCMNMSG when MSG(*STMF) and the contents of the file spcified in MSGSTMF(...) is empty, the command failed with MCH3601 (Pointer not set for location referenced) ---------------------------------------------------- 2015-11-09 CVTDBFXL is not working correctly when FROMFILE is *QRYDFN and job decimal format is 'I' (comma) are selected. Procedure SL_SQLType in module SL_UTLFNCR. ---------------------------------------------------- 2015-12-02 CVTDBFXL fails with MCH1212 'Invalid floating-point format' when file includes numeric field of over 16 digits. Note: It appears excel as a number precision of 15 digits so the last five digits of a 20 digit number will be replaced with zeros. ---------------------------------------------------- CVTXLDBF fails with ARI9118 'error in unzip operation' if .xlsx created without an internal 'Theme' part by third party source. When environment variabble SL_XLS_IGN_MISSING_THEMES = *YES the error message will be supressed. ---------------------------------------------------- CVTSPLPDF fails with MCH0601 when embeding some True Type fonts. ========================================================================== 7CP0008 2015-09-29 SNDCMNMSG does not handle national characters when used in the attachment name. When environment variabble CM_XLT_ATTACHNAME = '1' the attachment name is translated using the job CCSID. ---------------------------------------------------- SL_RTVQRY1 (module of SL_SRVPGM) is parsing query definitions incorrectly when more than two files are selected. Ticket number EE5-UZY-RZLE ======================================================================= 7CP0007 2015-09-21 When using CVTDBFXL... STMFOPT(*ADD)... EMAIL(*YES) and zip attachment is *YES the error message: File /CoolSpoolsV7R1/tmp/...tmp does not exist is returned. ------------------------------------------------------- Uplift fix from version 6 that deals with the calculation of the width of characters in a PCL bitmap font. Ticket number: U7A-Q9P-91RA ========================================================================== 7CP0006 2015-08-21 CVTDBFSTMF always returns error ARI9901. Error 252645136 updating index entry. The command was deprecated and no longer supported with the reelease of CoolSpools V6 (in 2010). Fixed to ensure continuity. (03/06/2015) ------------------------------------------------------- CVTXLDBF is removing digits after the decimal point when system value QLOCALE is set as *NONE. Ticket number VL4-WV1-UJ7V ========================================================================== 7CP0005 2015-06-01 When using CVTDBFXL... STMFOPT(*ADD)... EMAIL(*YES) the error message File /CoolSpoolsV7R1/tmp/...tmp does not exist is returned. ------------------------------------------------------- CVTDBFXL and CVTDBFXLSX returns Error -252645136 updating index entry. ------------------------------------------------------- IMPXLDBF BLKCELLS() error fixed. ========================================================================== 7CP0004 2015-05-20 Issue when using IMPXLDBF to a file creata a file in QTEMP. This was due to a missing program. ========================================================================== 7CP0003 2015-05-01 If CCSID is 420, the user and owner passwords were not being converted to ASCII. The code has been changed to change suCtlJobToCCS from 420 to 1256 temporarily for the ASCII conversion. ========================================================================== 7CP0002 2015-05-01 Withdrawn ========================================================================== 7CP0001 2015-03-30 Previously, if an AFPDS spool file included an image that did not exist the CVTSPLPDF would stop with CPE3025 No such path or directory. If new the environment variable 'CS_AFP_IGN_MISSING_IMG' is set to *YES the the creation of the PDF will continue. The CPE3025 message is output as a warning. ------------------------------------------------------- IMPXLDBF. If JVM fails to start a successful completion message is returned to the user. ------------------------------------------------------- When using CVTDBFXLSX... STMFOPT(*ADDROWS)... EMAIL(*YES) the resulting attachment only included the data from the last convert. The previous data was not included. A temporary file created during the convert was inlcuded as the attchment. ------------------------------------------------------- New commands added to the menus. ==========================================================================