Transferring licenses to a new system/machine
License transfers
License transfers
We have a new machine. Can we transfer the software to it?
Yes, this can be done, and will be free so long as your support and maintenance contract is up to date. Please complete our License Transfer Request form, making sure to include details of each server/LPAR for which license(s) are to be transferred.
We have a new machine. Do we need a new license key?
Probably. If the new system has exactly the same serial number and logical partition (LPAR) number as your old one, then the key won't change but you'll need to re-enter the old key on the new machine. If either the serial number or the LPAR number has changed, you'll need a new key. Request a new license key by using our License Transfer Request form, making sure to include details of each server/LPAR for which license(s) are to be transferred.
We are upgrading the OS on our existing machine. Do we need a new license key?
No. The license key is linked to the machine serial number and logical partition (LPAR) number, so as long as these are unchanged your existing license keys will remain valid. If you do experience any license issues (e.g. because license data was cleared from QUSRSYS by the upgrade process) then you can reapply your existing license keys using the ADDLICKEY command.