Email address contains invalid characters

CoolSpools checks email addresses to ensure they do not contain characters which are not permitted in a valid email address.  The errors reported are:

CMQ9019   First character of each part of email address must be alphanumeric.
CMQ9021   Email address contains invalid characters.

Validation of email addresses is controlled by two environment variables:
CM_VALID_EMAIL_FIRST_CHARS lists valid characters allowed for the first character of an email address.
CM_VALID_EMAIL_CHARS list valid characters allowed for the remainder of an email address.

You can use WRKENVVAR to check if they already exists and edit them to include other valid characters as required.

If the environmental variables do not exist create them as follows:
The default characters that are to be permitted as the first character of an email address:

The default permitted characters in an email address:
VALUE('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789-_.''+&/=?"<> ')

Note: You would have to sign off and on for the above to take effect. Alternatively, repeat the above with ADDENVVAR... LEVEL(*JOB) to temporarily apply the changes to your job.